About Me

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Singapore HeritageFest is an annual signature event organized by the National Heritage Board's Outreach and Education division. Sound stories 2 is one of the programs lined up in the Singapore heritage festival  2008.

I saw the ads on I-weekly magazine abt this concert held at Vivo City. It was a FREE one-night-only concert celebrating our homegrown, popular Chinese music genre. Xinyao (新谣).  This is the unique music genre composed and performed by Singapore's youth in the 1980s-1990s. When i was growing up, these songs were constantly being played on my mum's old radio.  When i took  the chinese lyrics in yr2, which was taught by 梁文福(many ppl called him the father of xinyao after he had written over 200+ songs).. he showed me a deeper meaning to xinyao. From then on, i was crazy over it... from songs to drama.... just love the meaningful lyrics that the xinyao singer have written... 

So i decided to go to the concert with Char and Abel... Met up with Char in the afternoon for shopping first while we wait for abel.. After the our dinner at Kim Gary Cafe, we proceed to the amphitheatre. We were each  given a orange wristband for identification purpose.  Love the atmosphere there... open-space concert... Since there was 1 hr more b4 the concert start, it was photo-taking time!!!! 

@ 7pm, the show began.... Reminisce on Xinyao's history with the musicians as they play notable songs and share their stories about the Singapore music scene from the past. Performing artistes include Pan Ying (潘盈), Li Fei Hui (黎沸挥), Brenda Teng (邓淑娴), Cai Lilan (蔡礼莲), Zheng Zhan Lun (郑展伦), Ye Ge Zi Xiao Zu (野鸽子小组), and 4 Superstar Finalists (绝对SuperStar决赛歌手).

Some of the songs(mostly written by 梁文福) they sang did bring up some of my memories... time i had with my friends in my primary and secondary days. We sang along with some of the "younger" songs like 關懷方式,懈逅,等你等到我心痛...  but there were also songs that sound totally foreign to us... but we still enjoy ourselves there....  the concert ended with all the performers singing 城裡的月光 with the  audience waving our lighted Hp... Only one word to describe the whole event. SUPER!!!! 

P.s  <<天冷就回来>> will be showing again next april.... cant wait to go watch it again... the last time i watched it with suling.. i totally fell in love with it... my previous entry abt it.. anyone wanna watch with me again?

YueN signing off... stary stary nite

YueN at 3:23 AM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happen to see this horoscope link on jing jing's blog and i decided to go check it out... since i'm doing nothing ... rotting over at the TRF lab....

it does give a pretty accurate reflection about my character and the way i'm around ppl ... so for those who wanna know more about me... check this out...


Libra woman mostly has an egg oval facial shape. She has a nice smooth skin and a good figure. She will spent so much efforts to keep her skin clean and pretty. She can be easily allergy to cosmetic and make up, but taken care of her face and avoid wrinkle is her hobby. She is good at it and tend to look younger than her age.

She can be very naughty like a little boy, but yet fully 100% woman. She looks nice in either Jean or night gown. She thinks woman is equal to man.
Sometimes she can think faster than you, but she will not leave you far behind. She will try not to make you feel like you are competed or defeated in any games she plays with you even she is winning.

She is a little flirt even she has no idea what she wants. She can not decide what to do, and what not to do, so she can not set her schedule very well in all cases.She is gifted with how to dress, and how to match her dress. She likes to dress in black and wear perfume. She likes a mild flowery scent.

In any argument, she can really argue. She can argue for hours, and mostly win the argument. If it is not a serious argument, she could argue and once a while give you a smile also. She will make a good politician, because she can tell which party will win the election.She always has a good reasons, even she likes to contradict herself. She cannot decide what is right and wrong for her, because everything has a good side and a bad side. (this is absolutley true!!!)

Woman in other Zodiac might not care what other people think, but Libra woman care what other people ,or what you feel as much as her own feeling.She can adjust to her environment very well, so at work she will be at the ladder up. She likes team work in doing things. If you ask her for help or advice, she will help you except if she does not like your guts. She can change you and make you think you change by yourself without her influence.

Good side of being with Libra woman are she never interfere with your privacy. She will not make you loose face in front of your friends.
Even she cares about how much money she has left his her bank account, she will never forget to let you know how much she cares for you.

She think taken care of the house is a woman job and she can do it well. But if you expect a Libra woman to fear you, then you are wrong.
She is a strong woman even she looks at you with that sweet innocent pairs of baby's looks and may loose you (let you win) in a few poker games.

If she is the one you are after, then go step by step. The best way is using her friends introducing you to her. Do not make her feel or treat her like a bubble head. You have to move forward toward her with confident and secure. Show her that you are a kind , polite and a real gentleman. Be a slow hand or else you might get smack!

For other horoscopes, check them out here: http://www.flowerpod.com.sg/forums/index.php?showtopic=36704

YueN signing off... sky dark dark....

YueN at 8:58 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

finally.... finished my biz finance exam... a super crash course on business finance... the bonds, stocks, NPV, IRR, call option... hahha.. This course indeed gave me a clearer and deeper understanding of the stocks and investments in the finance world. Something useful at last..

After the paper, my clique met up to have dinner at holland village. we planned to have the famous XO fish head bee hoon. Maybe our clique have not met up for almost 6 mths, things were kinda cold and "shy" between us. Seriously, this clique of friends i have is really different from those i had with other ppl. We are considered a clique merely because we stick together as a group of gals in campus. I dont really seem to understand each of them, maybe except jj who i can crap with and talk more abt.. we have slightly better frequency than the rest and also maybe because we are in the same cca.. As for the rest, i dun really noe them in depth. maybe they are more conserve and are less willing to share them with us... i guess everyone is different.

Well, at least after today's short dinner (everyone was tired), we are planning to have a K session next monday after noon at katong 1-7pm... hope that this k-session will spark the chemistry back in us... and hope that all of us can stay on throughout the whole session not like today....  

I'm onli left with 1.5 weeks of holiday before sch reopens. Soon, i'll be busy again with sch work, reports, sending resume... fyp.... hope i can still find time to enjoy myself before school start despite the pack schedule i have ahead.

p.s. just realise that i onli manage to blog my Hk trip till day 2... shall continue soon on day 3 to 5's trip . hope my memory will not fail on me.

YueN signing off... stary stary nite

YueN at 8:38 AM

Friday, July 11, 2008

I have totally fallen in love with this song.... so sweet... \^o^/

songs do reflect how one feels... don't they?

戀愛頻率 ~ 許志安, 許慧欣
作詞:易家揚 作曲:We Jong-Su

(男) 好久沒有吹微風的晚上 我們看著山下都市燈光
你說快樂和自由是窮人的天堂 這種想法我很喜歡 Oh~
(女) 你要我閉上眼睛想像 有我看不見的一個遠方
你說地球是樂園要用心去遊覽 這種說法多浪漫
(男) 心在飛 (女) 心在飛 (男) 路很長 (女) 路很長
(男) 我們是彼此的避風港 聽著你 (女) I believe
(男) 聊到從前和未來 (合唱) 你心裡所有的夢跟我很像
(合唱) Oh you light up my life
(女) 夢加點感覺 (男) 思念裝上翅膀
(合唱) 愛是無限可能的飛翔 Oh~ You light up my life
我想讓你分享 我們心動時分的夢想
(女) 這是一個開始 (男) 還是一種幻想 (合唱) 未來正在等待不是嗎

許志安 (獨白):
一直想跟你說那天一起吃晚飯 想問你開心嗎
這些日子 看著你 追著自己的夢想 快樂專心的每個樣子
我想我們的夢有一樣的頻率 不是嗎

(合唱) 未來我想和你分享

YueN signing off... stary stary nite....

YueN at 8:55 AM

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Only 1 word to describe the past few weeks that i have been through: BUSY!

It was either FYP or my Biz Finanace modules that occupied my time.... but i did spare some time out to watch superb movie 10 promises to my dog last Tuesday with abel.... met him at TM after my biz finance lecture... Finally for once, i manage to grab a proper dinner b4 the movie... For the past few movies I watched, me and my colleagues had to ta bao our dinner in...

1 july 2008

Summary: Akari is a 14-year-old schoolgirl living in Japan's northern island of Hokkaido. One day, a puppy wanders into her yard, looking lost and frightened. She is a Golden Retriever with white paw markings. Akari names her Socks. Akari's mother consents to her keeping the dog but only after she agrees to keep 10 Promises to Socks . Akari enthusiastically assents and the two begin their journey of growing up together. Akari finds herself having to overcome many changes and challenges: the tragedy of her mother's death, father's sudden resignation, first romantic feelings, career ambitions and her independence. But at every step, Socks is there to provide unquestioning love and support.

We see her grow from a cuddly puppy to a strong and intelligent dog, as proven by her prowess in the “look-over-here” game, in which a person randomly points to a direction while the other person (or dog) has to look at the opposite direction to win the game. As time goes by, she even becomes close to Akari’s father, Saito who initially has a fear of dogs. Socks eventual role as a therapy dog is evident when she attempts to heal Akari’s best friend, Hoshi who is struggling to pull himself together after an accident. Also noteworthy are the social issues highlighted in the film: family against career (Saito having to carry out his duty as a surgeon while spending time with Akari for their get-togethers) as well as personal ambition against parents’ expectations (Hoshi being forced to pursue a career as a classical guitarist according to his father’s wish). These issues are interwoven perfectly with the storyline as they affect Akari and Socks’ friendship directly and indirectly, giving viewers some food for thought.

Before the movie, Charmaine told me that this is going to be a teary movie... well, indeed it was.. for me, it was towards the end when Socks aged and the dying scene was unbearable.. Tears just came rolling down.... i wasnt the onli one crying... abel cried too.. Surprised... i usually thot that guys are not so easliy affected by the emotions of movies... maybe there are other reasons(beyond the movie) that made him cried... i dun noe... Throughout the movies, there were scene that really make u go "ooooo... so sweet ... so cute.." and a sweet sweet feeling just developed within me.. hahha.. It is indeed a movie that make the viewers undergo emotion roller coaster....

I would recommend all gals to watch this movie... but make sure u bring in tissue paper..


7 july 2008

For the sake of my FYP, i had to stay overnight at IMCB lab to take measurement of my samples every 4 hour... Boss was a little over-concern about me staying overnight... for the whole day, i kept asking if i had bought dvds, alarm clock, jacket... hahhaa... just like a father reminding his daughter this and that.... but it's really nice of him to allow me to use his lab for my fyp experiment... he even offered suggestion and was willing to guide me along the way... He has changed alot since i last complaint about him on my blog... He's now a super good boss.... really..

i managed to hang in and stay awake till 3.30am!!!! Thanks to my friends who chatted & entertained me online.. and not forgetting my colleague, Huiyi's DVDs... Decided to catch some sleep before my next reading(@ 7am)... first inside aunty pok guak's room... but then half way through it was frezzing cold.. really frezzing cool.. it was as if my organs inside me are all shivering in cold.. no choice i want out to the office and slept on the noisy couch.... despite setting my alarm at 6.55am, i didnt managed to wake up.. hahaha... alarm doesnt work on me ... hehehe.... luckily, got abel's morning call.. but 1 onli managed to pick up the phone after 1 missed call... hahha.. if not i'll just sleep right through lor... Thanks abel... owe u one... hahaha.... cant imagine wat if i slept right through and ppl coming in the work and see me sleeping in the office.... hahha

after taking the measurement... went down to the gym to shower.. then breakfast at matrix... the cofffee and the shower were onli effective in keeping me awake for abt 1.5 hrs.. by 10am.. i was getting super sleepy and grouchy... but i still had to go for my biz lecture in the afternoon... dragged my feet there.. but surprisingly, i managed to listen to the 3.5 hr lecture... maybe miss a slide or 2 in between ... but i could actually close my eyes and absorbing the info in at the same time.... I didnt noe i can do that... hahha...

gtg... need to revise my biz fin... quiz tml...

YueN signing off... rainy afternoon..

YueN at 10:30 PM