About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Friday, August 24, 2007

After watching the musical <<天冷就回来>> on wednesday night with Suling. (Thanks Suling, for accompanying me to watch this show, i'll have missed his wonderful musical without u.. thanks buddy...) I was determine to get tickets to watch it again.... The musical was filled with many meaningful messages that I strongly agree with. In addition, the plot and the songs they sang captivated my heart. Throughout the whole musical which lasted for 3 hours, i was totally mesmerise by the impactful singing of the actors and also their wonderful performances.

The lyrics written by Liang Wern Fook have represented the story and every character well. The careful selection of the song lyrics for each individual actor was the highlight of the whole musical. It really amazed me how a few lines of lyrics from a song can actually bring out the emotions of the actor and the messages that they want to send to the audience.

Pursue of dreams were never an easy task, yet the plot showed how young people like us should not give up our dreams so easily despite the difficulties and distractions that we may face along the way. In the musical, Rose (Joanna Dong) and A Qiang(Sebastian Tan) faced obstacles that stop them for pursuing their dreams. For Rose, There was a chance for her to achieve her dreams of getting into Broadway. but there was a condition: She have to go Vegas with the director alone for more interaction. As for A Qiang, a unaccepted relationship with someone forced him into a dilemma. Whether he should continue pursuing his dream as a songwriter in US (where the whites didnt appreciate his work at all) or to leave with the guy who once hurt his heart and now asking him for another chance. In the end, Rose and A qiang realised that 失去过的东西,再重新拥有,感觉时总和以前不一样了。

There was this lead character , A Le (George Chan-- one of the judges of Dance Floor) whom i really like... Everlasting love for his gf who have passed away soften my heart. I'm like "OMG, how i wish such a guy exist in my life...." There were scenes where how A Le loved and doted his gf. I was totally touched with all the things he did for his gf. In addition, his determination and righteousness made him stood out among all the characters. Being a Singaporean and chinese, he didnt forget his moral values that were instilled in him. He knew the importance of Singaporeans staying united and helping each other in a foreign land where they are the minority and also a place where chineses are not recognised.

The messages conveyed to the audience were very much applicable to many Singaporeans today. Especially when many locals are being sent oversea as expats today. I have relatives who are send to US to work. Instead of uniting as a group, the Singaporeans there were trying to outbeat and outlast each other. Wat For??!!! for recognition? for money?? in the end, nothing was done and finger-pointing occurs when something failed. I really cant understand why nowadays, singaporeans can get so selfish and only think for themselves . All this not only happens in workplace, but also in school. Coursemates try to make use of u when u are of use to them then dumped u aside when all your values are gone.

They used a poem which was written by Cummings in the musical which meant alot to me.

“To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
e.e. cummings

Nevertheless, i really wish that i could have another chance to watch the whole musical over again. But according to Laing Wern Fook's email, the tix are 100% sold out!!!~~~ BUT... they are in the process of producing a soundtrack CD for the musical.. so remember to keep a look out for it!! I cant wait to get hold of the CD!!!!

Sue YueN signing signing off...

YueN at 7:06 PM

Thursday, August 16, 2007

School started 2 weeks ago... everything is still kind of in the holiday mood for me... maybe due to the long weekend i had last week.. (Thanks to National Day.. *o*)

This time round and for the very first time.. i'm enjoying a 4 day- week.. or should i say 3.5 day week cos friday i onli have 3 hrs of lab in the morning.. then wed whole day off... WOW..
So my plan of the week will be swimming with Char on wed morning, tuition in the afternoon, friday afternoon i'll work on my FYP.. (maybe 2 weeks b4 every operation).

I did spend my 3 mths holiday pretty well... 1.5 mths of special semester-- learning spanish.. ?como estas?.. i guess i return quite a portion to the tutor le... lol.. i managed to meet up with my old pals too.. and attended lots of 21st bday party... i also earn quite a bit with my tuition assignment.. but spend most of it on my pals' presents..

lastly, i handed over my biz manager post to my junior... wow.. it has been a yr since i took up the committee post in RSP Elders.. didnt regard it.. i just love it... really.. the feeling i developed for the elders at the AWWA home is way beyond any describing words... and also all the friends i met over there and the time we had together... But now, i have passed my duty to some one else le... she is one whom i have strongly recommneded to my comittee to take over my post.. really hope she can carry on the duties and also perform even better... after all, whatecver we do is for the benefits of the elders....

maybe one fine day i shall have a review on my past duties in RSP Elders.. at least to keep it as a memory record for myself....

sue YueN signing off.. nitezzz

YueN at 8:16 AM