About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Friday, July 31, 2009

Graduation- 30 July 2009

Hats fly high... and here we soar....

YueN signing off... starry starry nitez

YueN at 6:33 AM

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Just love CApe Town!!!! Never i will expect myself to enjoy south africa so much.

The place is beautiful.
The people are interesting, friendly and warm.
The winter weather was perfect.

The International HIV conference presentation went smoothly for me. Received lots of encouraging compliments from the audiences after my presentation on my HIV project.

This is the first ever International AIDS conference tat I get to attend; my 1st biz trip; 1st presentation done in front of the professionals; 1st trip to Africa;... 1st...; just too many first time- happening in this trip...

IAS conference 2009:

During the conference, I was stunned with the pleasant nature of all the staffs and local volunteers displaying to all the delegates and speakers at the conference. They are always making sure that we are doing well and not left out in anyway. Never forget the big smiles i saw as I walked down the conventional hall. People ranging from medical doctors, researchers, social worker, NGOs and even those who lived with HIV gathered at this IAS conference to share the latest technology or research studies that they have found for the past 1 year. We all went with a common agenda, that is to give ppl with HIV in terms for medical, social and ecomical supports. One of the eye openers for me during the conference was how open the people are regarding their HIV conditions, they seems to know that only by been frank to the professional help there, they are benefitting. So much different from what is happening in Spore, where HIV is still a stigma in the society and ppl living with HIV are forever living in the dark.

My support for the HIV patients was rapid diagnostic tool tat is able to perform viral load detection in a miniaturized form so as to increase accessibilty to ppl even in resource poor areas. People came up to me after the presentation and told me that i am doing a great job to help the HIV patients. They are definitely in need for such rapid kits. Their words indeed encouraged me further to continue in the HIV field. Meeting different ppl at the conference opened up my horizon. It was like a bringing a singapore girl out from her little kumpong to the real complicated, colorful city. People with different backgrounds, agendas, needs and also approaches and their rationales behind what they do. All these taught me the important lesson of taking a wider approach to whatever I am doing. Meeting the HIV patients was the bonus for me. Getting to hear them speak about the problems and their needs was definitely a great help for what i worked on. Producing something to meet their needs. That's what technology is about: meeting people needs.

Safari Trip:

Apart from work, I managed to go for a one-day Safari tour to see the wildlife reserve in south africa.

As Dr Arlene still had some lectures that she needs to attend, I went ahead with the engagement tour that Ismail, the Compass Travel agency's boss arranged for me. It was this trip that I met many interesting ppl: Belgium gay, who is also the director for the AIDS awareness group in Belgium, 2 really lovely old couple from Australia, a brazil guy who was there for holiday, some americans, a MD professor from Puerto Rica. Despite coming from the diverse background we cliqued pretty well. WEll, i cliqued with the belgium gay and the brazil hot guy.... hehehe... Most of us were there took a day off from the conference to enjoy the great wildlife of Africa. hehhe... we all know the best combination of work and play~

Cape Point and Peninsula day tour:

On our last day in Cape town, both Arlene and I took a day off from the conference to explore the wonderful Cape Town.

First stop was shopping along Long Street and Wall street, where we bought the African handicraft. Arlene has her fancy over the doctors figurines, African tribal masks. Well, I go for the handmade bags and jewelery. Generation Gap. haha.. That's what explain our different taste for shopping items. hehe.. We bargain our way through the items. but it still seems pretty expensive. But since we are already in Africa... We didnt care more. After the long morning shopping at the street market, we went ahead to FOrks, one of the highly recommended resturants in Cape Town for African and western fusion food. A Tapas taster plate, a glass of wine and coofee costed only R60.. Good food, good price and excellent service. Sitting by the window, Arlene and I chatted about the experience we had for this Trip, we realized the advantages that it has brought for us and how it has broaden my vision... We enjoyed each other's accompany. Arlene was like a mother to my during the trip, cooking breakfast for me, making sure i am safe when i go out. But we cliqued well like sisters, we talked about alot of stuff ranging from my future to her daughter. She inspires me. The things she did and her envisions. She taught me alot about HIV medical issues which were really useful for my research work.

I am really glad to have gone with her to this Cape Town trip.

After lunch we went back to the hotel and await for our Half day Cape Point group tour that we have signed up with Ismail. To my surprise, instead of the group tour, we were given a private tour with our own chauffeur cum guide in a Mercedes Car.. WOoHoo~ THanks to Ismail for the special arrangement... Hehe.. (p.s i checked the tour price list, we paid S$90 but we enjoyed a S$300 value private tour) I am so freaking lucky that whenever i go oversea, unknowingly, i will meet some bosses and be close friends with them.

Along the way to Cape Point, we drove past the coastal line and the Atlantic ocean view was magnificant. CAmps Bay Beach, the surfers favorite spot. Clifton Beach. Hout Bay.

The main tourist spots that we went were Cape Point, the southern-most point of South Africa and also Simon's Island where we saw the cutest African Penguins that had returned from their day hunt to the beach. They were so close to me that with a sretch of my arms, i could feel them them. But Arlene said they will bite so i kept my hands to myself... or just constantly snapping the pics of the beautiful scenery, hoping to keep the best as memories.

YueN signing off... Starry starry nite...

YueN at 7:23 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rose and Strawberry soufflé

A soufflé is a light, fluffy, baked cake made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means "to blow up" or more loosely "puff up" — an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg whites.

Influenced by Jimmy, who constantly being working in his kitchen over the past few weekends to sharpen his baking skills. Today afternoon, I decided to throw away my lab coat and put on my apron and make Rose and Strawberry soufflé... Crispy top and fluffy and cream filling... the rose aroma and the sweet-sour strawberry slipped through my taste-bud... nice....

Shall bring them to lab on monday to share with the guys in lab... hehehe... so them that I am still the true girl in the lab... i can cook de wor.... must beat the guys with all the baking and knitting skills.... haha... must make boss Masa change his way of introducing our lab to others... it is not "I have 3 guys in my lab....." it should be I have 2 guys and a gal in my lab.... hehe....

I will be leaving for Cape Town in a week time... finally settled all the accommodation issues and also the IAS 2009 conference presentation. Really glad to be given this opportunity to attend an international conference to present my project. A rare and precious chance for a fresh graduate like me. Masa and Jimmy told me exactly the same thing this week when i ask what they want me to get from Africa for them:" I dont need u to bring anything from africa.... the most important thing is for u to come back safely...." OMG.... 2 of them said the same thing..... so touched....

......Sometimes it just take a few words from them and I know they care.....

YueN signing off.... rain rain go away.....

YueN at 7:15 AM

Thursday, July 02, 2009

the staff pass me a brochure when i registered for my consulatation... and u spotted Dr Yong's name card attached to my appointment card??!!

眼针... once again, my left eye had a lump developing under my lower eye lid about a month ago.. and as per normal, I left it alone waiting for it to break and the pus to discharge on its own... and tada... last week, it finally broke... I thot i will get my "beautiful eye" back...

but who noes...

this time round the bacteria infection got to my conjunctiva and my whole eye is swollen and red... and after taking 2 courses of antibiotics and no much improvement, i walked in to the eye clinic at TTSH with my GP referral letter...

TTSH has 2 eye clinics: one for non-subsidized and the other for subsidized patient. Being a referral case by GP and also recommendation by Dr Ng (my boss, a TTSH senior consultant), I had to go to the eye clinic for non-subsidized clinic located at the atrium.. Being a clinic that serve private patients, this clinic impressed me the very first moment I stood inside. The politeness, the smile and the right attitude the staff have over there to serve their patients, not forgetting the conducive environment and setting definitely deserve a thumbs-up!

I didnt have to wait long( 5 min) b4 I was taken to do an basic eye test, after that i waited only a mere 10 min and i was seen by the consultant, Dr Vernon Yong. He came out personally and asked for me and he opened to door for me!! OH MY GOD!!! Since when a doctor will open the door for his patient, (none in SGH clinics, GP..)

Dr Yong introduced himself to me before asking about my conditions. He was sincere and keen when he took a look at my swollen eye. He examined BOTH my eyes despite that i only complain about my left eye.. Totally different from the GP i saw prevously. At least Dr Yong made an effort to take an extra mile making sure that he does not neglect any possible infection in my right eye. During the examination, Dr Yong was very delicate and always asking if i was in pain and telling me that could be possible discomfort as he flipped my eye lid, adding of drugs to my eyes, cleaning the discharges... so thoughtful~~

I was told that there is still abit of 眼针 in my lower eye lid, but not serious enough to have a procedure to remove the pus.. I was prescribed with a steroid/antibiotics eye drop (which Dr Yong asked if I was pregnant cos i cant have steroid if I am... and of cos i am not..), oral antibiotic, eye lubricant and asked to go back for appointment 1 week later and given 4 days MC as this bacteria infection is contagious. Before leaving, Dr Yong said: "If u feel that your eye gets any worse, dont worry, I am only a call away..." Oh gosh!! I am so impressed.... This is my first time being served by such thoughtful and delicate doctor. Thanks Dr Vernon Yong!! This is also my first time to get a docator consultation that is longer than my waiting time.... I waited for 15 minutes for the doctor and the consultation cum treatment lasted for 30min!!!

Well, I have to say... to enjoy such excellent service, there is a price to pay. As a first visit to the TTSH eye clinic, I was charged $79 for consultation and $25 for the medication. WooHoo... so much more ex than the subsidized clinic that my dad goes to... BUT then, I think I am very willing to spend such money... better than to get myself pissed off with the long waiting time and doctor who does half past six job in subsidized clinic in SGH. Better mood= faster recovering rate...

hoping my left eye will recover soon... cos the IAS conference is 2 weeks away... have to fly off to cape town for the presentation on 19 july... I also have to give a miss to both my sec sch class gathering and RSp Elders K session this saat... dun wanna to spread this infection to theem... haiz.... I wanna sing K~~~ AnyOne wanna sinng k after i recover??? ^-oV

YueN signing off... starry starry nite..*viewed with 1 eye*

YueN at 6:35 AM