About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Saturday, May 30, 2009

During my stay in taiwan... we stayed in 2 different home stay.. one in 花莲 and the other in 南投。

I totally fell in love with the one in 南投 called 湖濱小站民宿 (http://www.lakeside.com.tw/main/data_a01/index.php)

This homestay is owned by a very young taiwanese guy called David. 29yrs old... came from a very rich family background. maybe that's y he gave us a very good offer. We paid him NT 3900 each for 5 day 4 nite accomodation (inclusive of meals and fuel and tour guide fee). After the stay at nantou, david offered us free accomodation at this taipei's apartment...

A passionate tour guide who goes all out for his guests... he is doing all these touring for his interest not for money. He understands the needs of his guest. He caters his tour for each individual. VEry much unlike the usual tour guide i met b4, he doesnt bring us to shops to get us to buy any of the expensive stuff, he makes sure that we spent our time effectively over at taiwan. He does his homework every night and discuss with his guest the next day's iternary and make sure that the place we are going are wat we wish to see. He works his way through his guest's budget.. teaching us the best way to spend out money; where to get cheaper stuff. Unlike the regualer tour guides who will drop their guest at a spot and pick them up 2 hrs later, David will walk with us through the different places of interest that we went. Despite his lack of experience in tour guiding, he still do his best of his knowledge to introduce different place to us. Most importantly, watever he does, 他是用心去做的. He treats his guests as friends, making sure that we have no 遗憾。。Being honest and frank are his trademark, if he likes u or dislike anything, he will say it out. That's reminds me to the part where, we got "lectured" by david for not eating enough in taiwan... Cant believe my ears, 1st time ever, being "lectured" by a tour guide, unlike other tour guide, they will probably not even bothered if their guest are eating well... but david is just different..... During the trip, He even ask us for the types of songs we like and he burnt a fews cds of songs for us to listen to during the long drives each day.. 很贴心的服务。。 . But he never forget about himself, by also putting his favorite song as the last track of the cd... haha.. he said it serve as a reminder that we have come to the end of the cd... he jokes with us.. share with us his facinating history... and sing karaoke with us.. htht with us at night .... he will make sure that his guests are happy.

That's the most important factor to me.....


David, our professional driver cum tour guide
The very expensive car that david drive us in through taiwan.... CHRYSLER

Among the 4 of my grad trip kakis, I was the one who gets to interact with david the most, he will be frank with me about his thoughts. Maybe i was the one who contacted him b4 the trip, and i'm honest with what i say. Everything i speaks, they come from the bottom of my heart. Maybe 我也是很用心去认识david,将心比心。。。。 Maybe 2 of us are libras, we have very much similar characters.

I'm not the only one who is impressed with David's hospitality.. many of his other taiwanese guests were also very satisfied with him.... evidence below: obtained from his homestay website. I guess he's just like me, we do our very best for other ppl, many a time all we need is a "thank you" from the ppl we help, it will just brighten the whole week.. 多么辛苦都值得的!! tat's y i never forget to thank david from time to time for his effort... and i can see that it does boost his morale during the trip....

Other that david himself, I fell in love with his homestay too.... It was totally awesome with the unique style and decorations.... It was almost identical to my dream house... it gives me a really homely feeling and a place where i can feel totally relax inside out.... as i have told my grad trip kakis, if i have my own house in th efuture, i will definitely get david to design it for me to be exactly like his homestay....

with a star viewing room, everynight, we have a sky full of stars accompanying us into our sweet dreams....

a projector screen when we watch movies at night...

an open concept kitchen where David cooked breakfast and dinner for us...

My favorite corner in David's homestay: his balcony that faced 鲤鱼谭,i will wake up early in the morning ard 8am to enjoy the serene, warm sunlight and cooling breeze while all the rest are still in bed.. with a warm mug of tea, i will just sit there and think thought some issues, about my life and what i really want to achieve. And i realised, i should not  spend to much time thinking about how others think abt me , instead how i think and feel abt myself... maybe research is not really what i should be doing... i'm a people-orientated person... i love the nature... maybe i should follow David footstep... maybe in the near future, when i have enough money, i will open a homestay too... entertaining guests... enjoying life..... my dream.....

THanks alot David, as promised... i will definitely promote ur homestay to my friends who are gg to taiwan for holiday... and the next time round when u come over to spore, it will be my turn to drive u ard spore.... The nite after we returne to spore, when i saw ur msn msg that u missed us... i believed u... cos i'm also missing my time in taiwan... the beautiful scenery and the people i meet...

YueN signing off... starry starry nite...

YueN at 5:38 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey hey... haven been updating my blog... too busy...

JUst got back from my grad trip to taiwan... a really long holiday trip... totally enjoyed myself at taiwan for whole of 12 days... Woohoo......

Will update on my trip soon... well, all the locals were stunned to hear about the way we travelled around taiwan... very different from most travelers... so they told us that we must keep a good record of it......

I'm missing taiwan already... well, i think i miss the scenery and the people the most....
David, our tour guide in nan tou, alishan, taipei. Super nice guy with lots of stories.. he's a libra so spotted many similarities btw the 2 of us... haha... he's freaking rich!!!!

Ganew, our hualian homestay boss, still there another wen jing ah yi (who refuse to take pic) very friendly couple who treated us like their kids.. very warm and homely people....

Lastly, my grad trip kakis (jimmy, jing jing and bryan). I enjoyed my trip becos i was with u guy... lots of htht.. haha.. love u guys...

gtg.. will definitely update about my trip soon...

Yuen signing off... starry starry nite....

YueN at 9:17 AM