About Me

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

yueN can cook so can u!!

did some magic in the kitchen last weekend... having my brother to cook for the weekdays... on the weekends, it is my turn to show my dad and bro what's the real cooking should be... so i whip out my cooking finger and TADA!!!

i cooked my first ever chilli crab!!! not bad wor... got standard taste just the one u can get in resturant... i did some magic with the seasoning... added tom yam paste to the sambel chilli and added sugar and tomato sause plus onion... abit of zing with that spicy feeling... yummy!!!

yesterday, after work at TTSH.. went shopping around novena square... and bought this korean seasoning for bbq meat... so today taught my brother how to prepare the meat.. add some chilli and onions to the meat and seaon it for 3 hrs... and when i got home, we did out own korean bbq with the hotplate.... it taste really good... well, we wrapped the bbq meat with lettuce and onion... yummy!! 

my brother did complain that he feels like a sheep today... cos there was lots of greens... but is it wonderful to be able to enjoy tasty food adn yet feeling healthy abt it... haha...


YueN signing off... starry starry nitez...

YueN at 6:27 AM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Known by many of my friends... I will not deny that i am a great fan of eli... love to listen to his songs... somehow, when i am unhappy, listening to his songs makes me feel much better.... therefore i always share with my friends all the nice nice songs he sang... well, he isnt a professional artist yet.. but he's on his way... wishing him all the best... 

Just in case for those who dun noe him... shall do a short story with u guys....  I got to know eli during my rsp elders days as a biz manager... i was looking for sound system sponsorship for our CNY event and then i remember receiving an mass email advertisement about a sound studio (ZaiStudios) from charmaine... so with some strings pulling here and there abit of.. managed to get myself linked up to Eli who is the creative director aka boss of the sound studio... 

I still remember the first time he called me to acquired about our club and the event... he called i think ard 9pm+ using his HP!!!.. i mean for most sponsos, they will contact me via their office land line and during office hr.. but he's different... and wat i am amazed is after introducing himself he asked: "how are u doing??" i was totally stunned... it was like a conversation to a friend more than a sponsorship biz call... normally, those sponsors will go straight to biz... but he's different... *impressed* through the phone converstaion.. i pictured a great ang moh guy who has the heart of gold... willingly sponsoring a sound system to us without much question asked (compared to other sponsored i spoke to b4)... it was after i found out that whenever he sponsor the sound system for us... he will have to close down one of his jamming rooms for the number of hours we borrowed his system.... this means no biz for those hrs (he rent out his studios jamming room at hour rate to bands as one of his revenue).. 

on the day of our event, i went to his studio to pick up the sound system... he opened the doors as i was expecting an ang moh guy, but rite in front of me is a young chinese chap... fashionable and stylish guy... well.. the 1st thing i notice was his hair style.... (p.s i thot he was one of eli's assistant..) but it turned out he was Eli Tee... well u cant blame me for mistaking him... he spoke with an accent and his name looked so ang moh-ish... he's pretty western minded... when he speaks there will be "cool" here and there... super friendly to everyone.. then he even volunteered to go down with us to our event ground to help us set up the system... 

During our drive down and for the event venue... had some chance to talk to him... it was our first meet up so everything was pretty formal... ask abt his company and he asked about out club, event, my job scope as biz manager...

Subsequently, i stepped down from my biz manager position, had to hand over the sponsors on my hand to the next committee... so i brought kelvin(next media head) to eli studio for a formal introduction and told him him abt my step down and kelvin will take over from then... as in he will be the one contacting him for future sponsorship... so i asked for his permission to give kelvin his HP number(I have been contacting him via his hp for all the sponsorship) for future colleborations... but he said he prefer me to call him for future sponsorship btw elders and his studios... well, i guess i understand.. he's using his personal Hp for all these sponsorship issues... i think he doesnt want his personal hp to be spread among too many ppl who may not noe...  

so during Kelvin and raymond (current media head's event, they will call me to ask eli for sound system... and slowly we sort of proceed from "biz manager-sponsors" relationship to more of friends recently, he email season greeting... sms and call to send his greetings...  shared his dreams of becoming a singer with me.. and also his studios future plans... and also his own composing and songs he sing in his ipod.. well, not in details.. but still he shares... one thing i remember each time he called or i call... he will nv forget to ask :"how are u doing?..." always do some catch up b4 going into the "biz" stuff... so as a friend and also to repay him for nv turn me down when i ask for his help and sponsorship, i was determine to help him spread his music creation with my friends.. ya of those who constantly hear me publisizing his work and songs.. now u noe why... pls dun misunderstand everytime i say "eli this... eli that.." he's a good friend i treasure and if u noe me well enough, u noe how i will treat ppl if they help me once... i'll make sure i will help them back whenever they need me....... gratitude.. 

I remembered once, when we send the sound system back to his studio... he was practising with his band...  although me and my friends were standing outside the jamming we could still hear him sing.... super nice lor... after one song, he came out to invite us in to sit in and chill to listen to his band play and him singing... me and jj were thrilled... getting to hear him live... but them his band felt that they were not ready to preview their song to the public yet (which is us)... butg getting to heard him sing live earlier on with the walls separating us... i turned immediately to a little fan listening to her idol sing... haha... silly me.... 

Then this CNY event, i decided to try my luck to get him to come down to perform for the elders... initally i didnt put up much hope for him to come down to sing for the elders... after looking through his schedule he agreed to come down to sing... managed to get jimmy to be his acoustic guitarist... they practice together once and they seems to work out welli did so much advertising of him coming down to perform for us, but then due to a new job assignment that crop out, he end up not been able to sing for us... it was later i found out the new assignment was actually a concert that he's coming out with his friends...Beneath The Sheets - An Intimate Concert with James & Friends  on 14 and 15 may @ the Esplanade recital studios... too bad i am leaving for my taiwan grad trip on the same day... if not i will definitely go for his concert... well, next time maybe...

here are some link to of Eli's singing and info...

firstly, an interview of him... spectrumtv .. it was only after watching this interview then i noe that he is doing quite alot in the music industry... writing songs for wilber pah, been the creative director for the asia release of High School Musical... and after the interview... u will hear him sing 2 songs.... onli 1 word: Excellent... meaningful lyrics... great singing... personally i like his singing alot..... unique....  

here's another link where he uploaded some of his songs...reverbnation... personally i like the way he sings 寫一首歌... in fact i am listen to it as i type this post...

月亮在你的眼睛 太陽在我心
現在我唱這首歌 OHH 只為你
想把所有煩惱都忘掉 做不做的到
你明白我心在燃燒 因為你 因為你 OHH 為你

你心中的話我全都想聽 能不能相信
所有的夢裡全都是你 會不會停息
和你一起是否不會再放棄 你的心裡有沒有秘密
我分不清不要在意 只想為想為你 寫一首歌
寫一首歌 都是你 OHH

月亮在你的眼睛 太陽在我心

Oh,love's in the air
it's everywhere
everyone can see
everyone can feel
that love's in the air
it doesn't matter where
everyone agree
love is all we need

when the moon falls in your eyes
I know the sun has set
the fire still burns within me
since the day we met

I know my heaven would be so complete
you could make it real
I won't let this chance go by
I can see,I can feel you
when the moon falls in your eyes
I know the sun has set
the fire still burns within me,within me

月亮在你的眼睛 太陽在我心

現在我唱這首歌 只為你現在我唱這首歌 OHH 只為你
想把所有煩惱都忘掉 做不做的到
你明白我心在燃燒 因為你 因為你 為你 為你 OHH

many of u may think that i am obsess with eli.. but well, i think i am just proud to know a friend who is a artist-to-be... somemore he's just too nice... to the extend i think he's the nicest person i met over my last few years... at least someone i can talk to confortablely without having to find means to please him... i can be straight forward with him too.... 

Jia you, Eli... i really appreciate ur kindness, generousity and u treating me as a friend....

YueN signing off... stary stary nite...

YueN at 7:58 AM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Went to watch Marley and me with my dear Suling yesterday... despite knowing that both of us will onli knock off at 630pm, we insisted that we catch the 720pm show at downtown east... and ended missing 10 min of the initial part of the movie... well, the whole part on puppy Marley.... 

Movie Summary:

As the snow falls on their wedding night, newlyweds John and Jenny Grogan (Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston) decide to leave behind the harsh winters of Michigan and head south to begin their new lives in West Palm Beach, Florida. They obtain jobs as journalists at competing local newspapers, buy their first home, and begin to make their way through the challenges of a new marriage, new careers and, possibly, the life-changing decision to start a family.

Unsure of his preparedness for raising children, John confesses his fears to his friend and fellow journalist Sebastian, who comes up with the perfect solution: John should get Jenny a puppy. "There's nothing to it," says Sebastian. "You walk 'em. You feed 'em, you let 'em out now and then."

Then came Marley.

The Grogans adopt the cute, twelve pound yellow Labrador, who in no time at all, grows into a 100-pound steamroller of unbridled energy that turns the Grogan home into a disaster area. He flunks obedience school, chews off dry-wall, takes a bite out of the sofa, overturns garbage cans, steals a Thanksgiving turkey, consumes pillows and flowers, drinks toilet water, and chases the UPS guy. Even a newly-purchased, expensive necklace isn't safe from Marley's voracious antics. 

Amidst the mayhem he generates through the years, Marley sees the Grogans through the ups and downs of family life, through job and home changes, and most of all, through the myriad challenges of a growing family. As John and Jenny come to realize, Marley - "the world's worst dog" - somehow brings out the best in them.

I will say that there is lots of chemistry in the movie, regardless it's between Owen wilson and jennifer aniston or with Marley, the dog.. the story is more about the facts of life rather than just a a cute puppy show.... it shows how 2 couple learn to cope with changes in their life... planned or unplanned... my favourite line in the movie was the one where Jennifer aniston said to Owen wilson: "U are always wanting wat u dont have and  not appreciating wat u currently have..." it just struck my mind.... am i like that too??.. many a time i am constantly trying to get wat i dun have and forget to appreciate wat i already have.... then how marley come into the story, Marley was a trouble-maker in the family, but the Gorden family learn to adapt to him and to love him more than anything.... it resembles a true family, noone is perfect in the family, when one of the family members made mistakes or is unique in his ways, the family learns to adapt to him and to learn how we can love him even more.... i see myself in many parts of the movie... it's a great walk of life that the movie is taking us through... it carries just the right pinch of laughter and sorrow.... 

Thumbs up to MARLEY AND ME!!!    

glad that i didnt miss this marvelous movie.... shall go and see if i can get the book too... heard from many that the book give a different perspectives of life too....

Yuen signing off.... starry starry nite...

YueN at 8:11 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Took half day leave today to send mummy to the airport... she will be going to her china hometown to visit her elders sister... While we were sending her off... we can see how her heart is lingering here in spore with us... worrying whether me and my bro can cope without her at home for 1 MONTH... before entering the custom... she keep reminding us abt wat we need to for the house work... eat properly.. dun sleep too late... ask me to take good care of my brother and dad... When she crossed the custom.. she kept turning back and waved.... with only a glass panel between us... i really wish she didnt go... i miss her... but i cant be selfish.... after 22 yr, this is the first time my mum will not be at home for such a long period of time... the whole family has been heavily dependent on my mum all these while.. the logistic stuff, housework, look after us when we are sick, worrying abt our studies... well... it's really time for her to take a break and enjoy herself... Hope she will make use of this hometown trip to relax and stop worrying too much abt wat's happening at home.... i believe she will not stop worrying... cos she's our mummy.. all mums will worry abt their kids no matter how old their kids are....

So from today till 11 Apr... i have to be an independent young lady... learn to look after my family like wat my mum has been doing... it is my turn now... yes mummy, I can do it... dun worry... 我长大了。。。(ya.. i noe alot of u will think that it is too late for me to only to realise that i need to be independent.... i have been the little girl in my family all along....)

p.s i hope i can wake up by myself and be in time for work... haha...

YueN signing off... starry starry nite....

YueN at 6:20 AM

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Well... everyone makes mistakes... including me... most importantly we must learn from our mistakes... and i learnt it the hard way.... Posting this so to remind myself not to repeat these mistakes again.....

Lesson 1:

Colleague K:"when 2 smart ppl come together, they become stupid"

Totally agreed.... i am one who tends to think too much or i infer too much about what ppl say... till the extend i misunderstand their intended msg.... and i missed the main focus of the conversation....

My Jap boss as been consulting me regarding the employment of his new staff using his new grant... i understand that he is urgently looking for ppl to start work asap. Currently, he depends heavily on me to get some of his research done.. but ultimately i'm still a under another doc boss, whenever i work for my jap boss, i am actually volunteering my service... but i'm willing to do... cos with every experiment, my jap boss is giving me a chance to learn and experience.....

but recently, one of my project collaborators from IBN gave me an job offer that will secure my career for another 3 yrs with a promising career ladder...In this economic crisis, who would want jon security.. furthermore, this IBN job is actually wat i wanted as my first job last dec...bcos it deals with wat i study.. Bioengineering.... but last dec, the grant wasnt available yet... and the HIV project already has a grant ready to employ me so i didnt wait for IBN.... my current TTSH contract will onli last till the end of this yr... My first response when Juergen told me abt the IBN job offer was :"can u hold this offer till Dec??" I dun want to "betray" my doc and jap boss if i terminate my current contract.... but every time i meet Juergen, he kept asking if i have submitted my CV...even in front of my boss...  he even email me the detailed job description that he sent to IBN HR for job advertisement... alot more details than wat the actual ads was shown to the public.... 

A moment of selfishness, i submitted my CV to IBN........ not long after, My jap and doc boss found out... both were not happy by my move.... I felt super guilty that day.... I nv mean to hurt them, especially my jap boss who gave me so many opportunities and also taught me sooo much.... On that day i felt so sorry that i nearly cried when i saw my jap boss so angry... or i should say disappointed ..... I'm really sorry.... 

After talking to my mum and friends, i feel that i should at least have a proper talk with my bosses esp my jap boss abt my submission of CV to another company when i am onli in my 2nd month of employment... before i could say anything the following day, my jap boss was super nice to me... after work, my boss treated the team for a drink... and during the drinking session... he shared a story with us... abt his favorite employee who was his first female lab assistant when he first came to spore 15 yrs ago... how she seemed to know what boss is thinking... how great their chemistry were in terms of working relationship, knowing which reagent my boss needed next... just like a "worm in his tummy". Then he made a statement that just touched me deep through and also sent a great sea of guilt in me... He said: "Sue Yuen, take this as a compliment, U are just like her... u know me too well...." OMG.... I'm so touched to hear that and  immediately i felt tat why am i leaving for someone who treasures me soo much..... immediately i wanted to tell him that: "i rather jump over to ur flagship research grant if u are willing to take me  on... and most important, I'm sorry if i disappoint u with my selfish act..." as wat u always say, "smart monkey will also drop down from the tree... and i just had a great fall... and i learnt my mistake....." 

I should not have being tempted by ppl so easily without considering how fortunate i am rite now.... u are the one who offered me my first job, U keep a lookout for me all the time during my job hunt last yr... Furthermore, our definition of WORK is almost similar: Work is to make ppl happy; to help ppl; salary is to compensate ur effort.... 

Lesson 2:

Love is blind...

Recently, ppl ard me has been in and out of relationship issues... either wooing.. being woo... or broke up.. rejected...

Did you know that when you’re in love, dopamine gives you the same feeling as when you would use cocaine? Every time you see your love, you get a shot of dopamine and it’s addictive. Everyone who has been in love knows they wanted to see the one they were in love with again and again and again....

and many time it can be this hormone, dopamine that blinds u from seeing the truth of who your love is... u may blindly ignore some of his/her bad habits or character that u cant even accept... U think that such issues maybe minor.. but not until a third party starts to analysis the situation to u... bcos most of the time , ppl who are involve dont see the big picture.... but if during each meet up u seems to spot one bad habit that u find it unacceptable... or worse u find that communication becomes an issue...... well, will it be better to end it before it hurts too much?? 

我对你 感觉胜过爱情.... 因为有你 给我勇气给我用不完的运气 ... 

难过过了 天晴朗了 我就走

林: 你拯救我的寂寞 我的痛我的梦
在你的面前 我不必保留

泳:你的好 你的坏
林: 我的脾气你最懂
泳:我不要你心疼我(林: 我不要你离开我)

泳:我对你 感觉胜过爱情
林: 因为有你 给我勇气给我用不完的运气
林: 其实也想好好爱你
泳:只怕到最后不小心 让你伤心 (林: 我不怕会伤心)
合: 对不起 我对你 再好再亲密都不能在一起
林: 最后看你在别人怀里
泳:有天我会找到我的唯一(林: 我并不是你的唯一)
合: 还微笑祝福你

林: 你拯救我的寂寞 我的痛我的梦
在你的面前 我不必保留
压抑的 我的心动

林: 我的好 我的坏 我的脾气你最懂

泳:我对你 感觉胜过爱情
林: 因为有你 给我勇气给我用不完的运气
林: 其实也想好好爱你
泳:只怕到最后不小心 让你伤心 (林: 我不怕会伤心)
合: 对不起 我对你 再好再亲密都不能在一起
林: 最后看你在别人怀里
泳:有天我会找到我的唯一(林: 我并不是你的唯一)
合: 还微笑祝福你

林: 所以我们才选择
合: 做比情人更好的朋友

泳:我对你 感觉胜过爱情
林: 因为有你 给我勇气给我用不完的运气
林: 其实也想好好爱你
泳:只怕到最后不小心 让你伤心 (林: 我不怕会伤心)
合: 对不起 我对你 再好再亲密都不能在一起
林: 最后看你在别人怀里
泳:有天我会找到我的唯一(林: 我并不是你的唯一)
合: 还微笑

So much of an emo-ish post (hard to see in my blog which is my happy memories vessel.... hope that i will learn these 2 lessons well, by keeping it as a blog post.....

Yuen signing off...... stary stary nite......   

YueN at 4:29 AM