About Me

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Saturday, August 16, 2008

A story about the Vicky-cutie Wife cake with a Dimple that I saw on the nicely pink box of the Wife cake from HK.

L&V 梨窝倾情

很久以前,造饼师傅 Leon 恋上一位名叫Vicky 的女孩,深深被她那迷人的梨窝(Dimples) 吸引着。

每天,Leon 都在 Vicky 的住所守候她,盼能一睹伊人浅笑梨窝。然而,Leon 深知自己并非她所喜欢的类型,Leon 只好將他那绵绵情意深藏心内。

"求之不得,辗转反侧", Leon 一真末能忘怀伊人, 惦念着她那张甜美的梨窝笑面。 于是, 他將那份心意转化为美食, 为老婆饼添上"梨窝", 而且更有内涵(馅中有馅), 表达重重心意以解倾慕之苦, 更给它起名为 "梨窝美人娇滴滴老婆饼" 以表达对Vicky 的爱慕丿思念。


Leon 那种真诚的情意, Vicky深受感动, 最终也打动了依人的芳心, 为这款饼食添上传奇。。。


wonderful story behind the creation of vicky cutie wife cake... this indeed adds an extra sweetness in that piece of wife cake that I ate..


YueN signing off... sunday afernoon...

YueN at 11:41 PM

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Went out with my BIE clique for a K session @ Teo Heng @ Katong... something that we had been wanting to go since year one... but we just didnt make it happen till monday... haha... it was fun hearing hy singing hokkien songs, sh singing in her little cute voice, jj and rs sang well too... they all had hidden talent that i didnt noe till this k session...

WE brought along some snacks and also a bottle of red wine... oh boy... we really noe how to enjoy life.. ^-^ all at a great deal of $7 per person( booking of K room @$37 and the wine)

We sang for 6 hours but by the 4th hour... we were dying.. except for sh who was still singing non-stop... she's pro....

After our K session, we went over to Aston for a yummy and yet cheap dinner... did some catching up... overall we had fun.. at least i felt some bit of our chemistry coming back after spending half a day with my clique(minus hy)


My first trip to batam... after hearing sooo much about batam from my dear colleague, huiyi, I decided to venture into batam with my mum and charmiane. We just took a ferry to Batu Ampar(45 min ride) from harbour front center. Took a cab for RP40K to Nagoya Hill shopping center.. As we were a little early, we went to a coffee shop for branch- mee soto.. not too bad.. abit salty and spicy..

@ ard 11.30am(or 10.30am batam time), we started our shopping spee at this huge shopping mall... They sell a wide range of products from IT to appreal to imitation branded bags, perfume, hypermart

Got myself some polo tee, formal wear, perfume and snacks... Shopping is always teh best therapy for gals.. haha... spend until not enough need to borrow from my mum.. Spend a total of S$150 in a day... OMG... i need to be more careful with my spending from now on...

After hours of walking, we dinered in at 933 seafood.. seafood so so lor.. but they are freaking cheap!!!!

Thinking of going there again.. maybe for their water sports and massage and stuff... anyone wanna go? let me noe!!!


TRF's D&D (dinner and durian!!)

A lab outing with my boss and colleagues on the same day as our company's D& D... we had our own version of d& d aka dinner and durian..

we book a SMART MPV taxi for the 5 of us... hopped on... and we made our way down to No Signboard resturant at geylang... on teh taxi.. my and hy were a little over-excited... made too noise until teh taxi driver had to on the cartoon to keep us quiet... lol..

At the resturant, we ordered a few dishes... i think the waitress was a little pissed off when we kept changing our dishes as we ordered... and we didnt order seafood dishes in a seafood resturant... we had fun chatting... taking pics... laughing at one another... boss blend in pretty well with us... although he did say that he felt like an "uncle" when he is with us...

After our dinner, we proceed on to our 2nd D: DURIANS!!! I leaded the group down the geylang road... based on the instruction i got from char... even streets are the "u-know-wat" business and odd streets are where u can find all the yummy food...

B4 our trip, boss did request for a short "sight-seeing" at geylang... so we brought him there... a wide range of gals were standing by the walkway: short/ tall, thin/fat, young/old... i felt a little unsafe and uneasy as i walked down those streets.... as i was leading the group, all of a sudden i wished there was someone i can like hold on to for protection sake.. but.. couldnt do that to boss rite.. eventhough he was walking slightly behind me... quicky walked through a few more streets b4 we crossed the road to our dear durian stall....

At the durian stall, we excotted boss a a seat b4 me, by and hy moved over to choose the durins. it was indeed an interesting experience as the stall owner choose the durain for us.. yelling at the durian to make it taste better... a durian with both sweet and bitter flesh..

While we were choosing the durian, the stall owner kept commenting that mickey mouse love to eat durians... it was onli after sometime i found out he was refering to me!! cos i was wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt.... lol...

Honestly, i love hanging out with my colleagues... I can really be myself when i'm with them, no longer having to worry that any words that come out of my mouth would irritate anyone.. my colleagues and 1 are able to take others' comment as it is.. nothing serious... we have nothing in between us.. no back-stabbing... where can i find another group of friends-colleagues like them...

After the D & D, me, by and hy went to white sand Mac to chat... girls talk... i practically shared everything with them.... and they are franked to me too.. giving me their opinions and thoughts about all these issues.... 3 of us cliqued so well since my 1st day of attachment... eventhough i have onli know them for 6 months... I felt that we were like friends who have known each other for ages....

School starting for me... it's my final sem... i'll tresure the time i have left with my friends in NTU....

YueN signing off... starry starry nite...

YueN at 1:19 AM

Saturday, August 02, 2008

hey pals,

Check this out.... a local website set up by 2 poly grads which provide a platform for us all to grab free samples... all u need is to register and pay the postal fee to have all the samples delievered to ur doorstep....

With this platform, u get to try out the products for free before deciding whether to buy the products in the market... they have a wide range of products available for both genders....

U can click on this Fr3b link or the fr3b image at the left hand column of my blog to register as a member..


YueN signing off... stary stary nite.

YueN at 7:44 AM