About Me

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Saturday, May 24, 2008

We had our very first RSP ELDERS Rally today....
Pretty good response form the juniors... glad to see that they are so enthuestic to take up the committee post and to lead the group..... I can still remember the days when Yongxin had to beg us to take up committee post... and us have to psyco our 10 remaining juniors to take over the committee... THinking about that... I should really thanks yongxin who brought me into the committee as the biz manager... Without this chance, I will not have learn so much things like getting sponsors... meeting new sponsors cum friends.... organising events... Furthermore it transform me into a bubbly person.... hahhaa...
Back to today's rally.... sally and chai wen ran for the biz mangaer post... priscillia and I were discussing wat qns we should shot them with... we wanted to make sure that th eright person was selected.. cos biz mag plays a big role in most of the events... If he/she doesnt do her part well... the elders will not get as many sponsored items during our event.... Sally was first up... knowing that her attendence for the elders event wasnt that regular, it was a big minus point for her... she seems to be a very soft and shy gal.... to nice that i dun think she can handle the companies... She suggested that she wanna get money from sponsors instead of items.... hmmm.... try harder.... Then it was chai wen, she is currently taking the role of the biz mag in the dumpling festival... when i aske dher how she go about looking for sponsors... I was pleased that she did something that was very similar to wat i did previously... that was to walk around the supermarket to find items that can be very useful to the elders... smart gal..... I also like the way she protray herself.. confident... something the sponsors look out for when we talk to them...
Next up was the center head.... Wow... total of 4 persons ran for 2 center head posts... Raymond, sirseng, siqi and meiying.... I was impressed by meiying and sir seng... Initally i wanted to vote for 2 of them... but then raymond is someone who i know better... maybe with tat i can bond better with the next comittee.... furthermore meiying mentioned that she can work well with him... so i decided to vote for the 2 of them... But i hope that sirseng can be part of the committee too... he's a great guy... bubbly in nature... i believe that will help him retain more volunteers and minimise the turnover rate....
Lastly, it was the post for the coordinator.... as i have expected eugene was the only one who ran for it.... he is very similar to bryan... friendly, funny.... something that draws people to him... both bryan and him will find no problems in getting help... people will just rush forward to help people like bryan and eugene.... That's y i supported eugene in becoming the next coordinator...
After the rally, it was time for us to vote... we did our little vote and the juniors left... Eager to know the result, we stayed behind to have a brief look at the votes... for the biz mag post it was very obvious... but for the center head... each of them had their own supporters... so we wil have to wait for the rest(those that were absent today) to vote via email b4 we can confirm the vote... as for the post of the coordinator.... 2 actually wrote bryan name again... hehehhe... he's really a lovable person... hahhaha... but luckily for him... those 2 votes were insignifcant... but yet it is signficant enough to show how good he is that the volunteers want him to lead them again....
As for now... we shall wait and see....
p.s.. to yinru and kelvin .. i hope that reading this entry will not affect our votes... hahhaha...
YueN signing off... starry night...

YueN at 8:05 AM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Discovering the Southern ridges...

The southern Ridges comprises of a 9km chain of greenery, open spaces spanning the rolling hills of Mt faber park, Telok Blangah Hill park and Kent Ridge Park before ending at West coast park..

It is an area steeped in history and is home to some of the nature's greatest gifts of flora and fauna. It is also one of the best spot in Singapore to catch the panoramic views of the city, harbour and the southern islands.

The three new linkways( Henderson waves, Alexandra Arch, Forest Walkway) at the Southern ridges costed S$25.5 million to bulid!!!!!!


Started off at Harbour Front MRT, me, my mum, my brother and charmaine trekked up the steep and endless stairs of Mount faber. All of us were put to a physical test while we climb our way up. It wasnt an easy job for someone who has been sitting in the office a day long. Well, me and Charmaine had to stop to a few times before we reached the peak of Mt Faber.

By the time we reached the top, we were totaly drenched. But the magnificant view and the cooling breeze at the peak took all our fatigue away.

While we were enjoying the view, my mum went all excited and commented that she can actually look into the windows of the condo at the bottom of Mt faber with telescope that were fitted at the edge. True... but no free show for us that day... all the curtains were drawn tight shut...

Along the way, we saw the jewel box.... a hotel on the peak... their guest were having a cool ride up th esteep slope while we climb our way up... "-_-

After tat we came to a split road, as u see in this picture below, this is how the sign looked like... we were suppose to go to henderson waves... the sign for henderson waves and telok blangah rise were pointing to this downward stairs... thinking that we finally get to go down-slope.... YEah... so happily we went...... but....

Along the way down the stairs, the group of people who were walking ahead of us turned back. They told us that we were walking the wrong way... my mum didnt believe and she went on exploring while we stood and waited for her..... and indeed we were walking the wrong way!!!!!!!!!! NO choice... we had to climb all the way up again.....

Finally, after an hour climbing... we finally reach the HENDERSON WAVES...

Next, we proceed to the Rooftop garden... well... nothing much .... a pretty good place for wedding photo shots... with all the colonical feeling...

After another 10 min walk, we reach the enterance of th eforest walkway... a metalic bridge that was constructed basrd on the growth of the plants there to minimise cutting down the plants there.... The metallic structure was a constrast to the nature. Well, they should have used something more wooden instead... Along the way, there were sign telling us the different species of plants and its usefulness.... It was already noon when we walked on the forest walkway... It was freaking hot... my hairs felt like that they were burning.... My brother and I were pretty tired by then........

The forest walkway leads to the Alexendra Arch which spans across the Alexandra Road.... It is indeed the one of the best looking bridges in singapore... It will even be light up at night.... through the display pic we saw there... it will definitely romatic place for couples....
Lastly, we reach the hortpark, where there were lots of excellent flora display.... I love this part of our whole journey... although it was really hot.... the sun was perfect for many of the photos we took.... so enjoy...

After 5 hours of hike... we decided to call it a day... as the weather was getting unbearable... so we decided to leave the kent ridge park for our next visit.... I will definitely visit the hortpark again... to take more pictures of the beautiful scenery....
YueN signing off... starry starry night....

YueN at 10:38 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

The wine bar.... aka Water and wine...

Boss was in his bestest mood last friday... so he decided to treat me, baoyue and huiyi a drink at the wine bar located in Biopolis...

Out of our expectation, the wine bar waas pretty packed as compared to the empty shop we see everyday... About 80% were ang moh... they are the ones who know how to pamper themselves and relax at the end of the day... how i wish i could be like them....

There was this one-for-one promotion over there. It's not like buy 1 get 1 free... it's more like one person buy a glass of wine, they give u the 2nd glass for free... so yup... i had 2 glasses of sweet wine that day.. Not too bad.. initally, it tasted like any other alcohol drinks... but then, after each slip, the sweetness and the fruity taste began to surround my tongue. the waiter who recommended me the drink said that sweet wine is more of a lady wine, lesser alcohol content...  We also had some side dishes like sausages, tarts, Italian cheese, new zealand cheese and BLUE CHEESE... I actually fall in love with cheese that day... i think cheese really goes well with the sweet wine I had... well, as for the blue cheese aka mouldy cheese, it's way too salty for me... so i shall stick to Italian and new zealand cheese next time.... As huiyi couldnt take any alcohol, boss ordered this "fine" water for her... it costs $6 for a bottle of water from japan.... nothing special... but the bottle look very classy... we were served with their slanted drinking glasses.. unique... sometime imperfect matters can look beautiful...

While we were drinking, we crapped alot among ourselves and also with Boss... everyone was in their relax mode... i think it must be the alcohol... Boss no longer put up his I-am-the-boss look, we chatted like friends... laughed like good old pals... it kind of a nice feeling to be able to do such things with my colleagues and boss....
We decided to call off the day at around 8.30pm.... well, time flies when ppl enjoyed themselves... 2hrs of fun just flew by .... The moment i stepped off my high chair, my first experience of drunkness hit me... Abit of wishy-washy feeling... had to steady myself before i walked....  Wah... that's the effect of 2 glass of wine in me... I'm one pretty lousy drinker... hahhaa... but baoyue also had the same feeling.. so i'm not alone... hehehe ^-^ As huiyi was rushing off to her cousin's wedding dinner, we shared a cab home... by the time, i reached home, i was back to normal... maybe my body managed to metabolize  the alcohol along our way home...

Here are the photos we took that day:

cheers to us...

Cheeses and crackers..

Boss pouring out the very expensive water from japan..

Baoyue looked drunk??!!

Me looking not so drunk..

Nice collection of wines.

Yummy side dishes..

toothpicks.. aka wine corks.. creative idea..

YueN signing off... rainy day..

YueN at 7:16 PM

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I was super touched after watching this video... Five Year Old Blind Genius Pianist.

Yoo Ye Eun who can't see from birth but can play the piano after listening to the tune just ONCE! Currently, her teacher is only a COMPUTER!!!!! She depends on what she hears or what she have remembered to play every piece of music. Her talent is unbelieveable... she can accomodate to anyone who is singing any play according to the singer's tune... I was really touched when she sang that song: You are born to be loved... OMG... I wonder if there is any good teacher that is willing to further develop Yee Eun's talent.

Do watch it yourself... prepare tissue just in case u need them...

sue yuen signing off.... cooling evening...

YueN at 2:48 AM