About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just finished watching <<突圍行動 >> aka Brink of Law. This HK drama series stars Steven Ma(intelligent and smart looking), Ron Ng(caring, most importantly, good looking!! ), Bernice Liu (smart career women), Shirley Yeung(pretty but filled evil thoughts ), and Kate Tsui(the-girl-next-door). A show that brought me both tears and laughter. In addition, i found a new idol... Ron Ng

Here's a little Synopsis of the drama:

The court prosecutes Tong Ji Ko (Steven Ma Chun Wai) for drug possession. After reforming his life, he joins a fashion corporation as a legal advisor. He becomes good friends with Tung Yat Jun (Ron Ng Cheuk Hei), the nephew of corporation head Tung Jin Lung (Ngok Wah). Ko encounters his first love, Tsui Wing (Bernice Liu Bek Yi), but discovers that her relationship with Lung is atypical. Lung's wife, Kam Ji (Michelle Mai Suet), accidentally learns Jun's life-changing secret and swears to set him into a deathtrap!

Kam Ji finds out that Tung Ji Long cheats on Kam Ji by a drunk accident with Yat Jun's Mom the Ji Pang finds out that and gets angry! Ji Pang gets a fight with Ji Long, which triggered a fatal heart attack. Ji Long caused the death of Ji Pang because Yat Jun's mom had an accidental ralationship which made Yat Jun to be born so Yat Jun is Ji Long's Son. So Ji Pang wanted to go to New York with Yat Jun but Ji Long disagreed so Ji long took Ji Pang's Pills and he died.
This time, Ko suspects that the fashion company isn't simply engaged within the bounds of its business, but is furthermore involved with an international off-track betting activity. However, the truth of the matter causes people to be confused. Ko then tries to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Well, I feel that this whole drama tried to send this one message across to the audience: DON"T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.

Around all of us are people from all walks of life. U may think that u understand and know the friends or family members u meet everyday. Not necessary true. This is being reflected in this drama. Even your parents or best friend will have something they want to hide from u. They may do it for your benefits or it can be a dark secret that they never one anyone to know. For instant, Ah Long and Kam Ji never want their sons to know that they were the mastermind gunfire supply in HK. Y? Which parent will want their child to know the bad things their parents have done when parents are suppose to be the role models. Also, ah wing was a Elite Police from Canada sent to Hk to spy on Ah Long and Kam Ji . However, for the safety of her true love, Ji Ko. She kept this secret as long as she could.

This drama not only portray the different faces of people. It also related the importance of Kinship and Friendship. These 2 things are also the first 2 priorities of my life. As a result, i was really touched during some of the scenes. One of it was when Kam Ji was reading the letter left behind by her most filial son, Ah Lang after he killed himself after knowing that his parents' evil deeds. Another one was when Ah Qin cried in front of Ah Jun's body. It's really a pity when death can break all the wonderful promises and future of many people. Thus we should always cherish the people around us. Living in a traditional Asian family, this is a pretty tough thing for us to do. We always take it for granted that our loved ones will always be there. U may never konw that one fine morning these people can just leave u and never return again. Therefore i constantly remind myself to spend as much time with my family whenever i can, especially now. Parents just grow old without their children knowing.

So ppl reading my blog: try to spend as much time with your loved ones. Dont just wait for tomorrow to start. Noone can predict wat can happen in every tomorrow.

YueN signing off... Cold night..

YueN at 5:25 AM

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Have been watching lots of HK dramas lately... Currently, i'm in the mist of <<突圍行動>> and <>

Ron Ng starred in both drama.... I prefer his role in <<突圍行動>> where he acted as Tung Yat Jun. Started out as a caring vet and then to the CEO of the highly ranked fashion company(family business). He is one who treated everyone with his fully heart. Despite his wealth and reputation he has, he helped his friends whenever they needed them.
Some of his pics to share with u ppl:

Share more of my thoughts with u when i finish the drama.. soon..
YueN signing off.. cooling nite..

YueN at 11:14 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Keep hearing this song on the radio. This song kind of touched my heart.
This is the one of the songs that will be used in the upcoming chinese musical, <<天冷就回来>>
It will be previewed on 16 Augest 2007 @ Drama Centre @ 8pm.
I'm planning to go for this musical on the day of its preview.. It's cheaper .. tix @ $20 or $30.. Limited seats left.

I'm looking for people to watch this musical with me. Anyone interested? Pls let me noe asap so that we can book the tix.. cos it's selling fast.
Do check out their website. http://www.iftherereseasons.com/

天冷就回来 唱∶陈洁仪 词:梁文福







YueN signing off.. rain, rain go away

YueN at 7:49 PM

Monday, July 09, 2007

Spending too many days at home... was laying down on the sofa and staring at the ceiling of my living room. White. Clean. Boring. Slowly my mind started to drift off and many memory came upon me.

The good old days in my primary school. Carefree life. Friends i made were truely friends with no intentions. The gang of us: Me, Suling, serene,jia heng,beverley,alan and yong xiang. REally miss all of u. Especially Suling, Alan and Yong Xiang. We used to sit together in class and made alot of noise until our home class teacher made me sit some where else but we still managed to communicate. Hehe.

Then in my secondary school days.. i was the quite quiet compared to the rest. MAybe i was too shy in a new environment... hehehe.. but we had fun.. we studied hard and we played hard.. till these days, i still managed to keep in touch with my secondary school classmates. The annually class gathering was great chance for us to update each other.

Then there came my JC life.. where tears and sweat were part of our life. But not forgetting the laughter and friends that i found during that period of my life. The tutors were really unforgetable. It was the first time in my life that i felt so comfortable speaking to my teachers. Regardless it's school work or some crappy stuff.. hahaha.. they were like friends to us. They changed me. Without them, i'll not be as vocal as i'm now. Without them, i'll not have the courage to speak in front of a crowd now. Well, Thanks alot. Well, i did not forget my friends that i met in MJC. We had lots of fun together. We were there for each other when someone was in need of help or comfort. We had our ups and downs. We laughed, we cried and we remember each other.

Miss all of you.. Friends are the ones who make my life as colorful as it is.
YueN signing off...

YueN at 6:39 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007


For the past few days.....

i wasnt feeling well.... my head is always spinning... At first i thought it was due to lack of sleep(watching HK drama till late hours).. so i decided to sleep at 11pm for the past 2 days.. but when i wake up in the morning.. the spinnning is still there.... hmmm i wonder wat's wrong with me???? This feeling isnt like the fainting spell sydrom.. normally i'll start seeing stars then darkness surrounds me then.. boom.... i fainted.... Ya.. for those who dont know.. i have fainting spells which makes me faint without warning and recover within seconds.. BUT IT HARDLY HAPPENS>> i hope....

It has been 4 years since i know about my condition... The fainting episode started when i was in P6. but i kept quiet and not let my parents know.. dun want them to worry about me.. then one fine day, i fainted in front of my mum and brother.. they freaked out... and that freaked me too.. i broke down and thought i was gg to die... hahah silly me.. i was onli 14 then...

For the next few years, the fainting thingy still happens like once a yr.. but i didnt tell my parents.. then in 2003 when i was helping my parent with the CNY lunch. THings happen again... I saw stars and then darkness.. i walked to my sofa.. before i could reach it.. i fainted.. the next thing i knew... my brother was slapping me and shouting.. jie jie, wake up... Well i couldnt remember wat happened... my brother told me that i started jumping when i was washing the dishes.. then walked out of the kitchen.. knocked onto the standing fan and fainted.. REALLY??!! i cant remember a single thing... hehe... this caused my parent to forced me to see the doc and then the specialists... did some freaking expensive blood tests (all negative), an the tilt test (tested positive for the fainting spell). Then the specialist advised me to avoid an sudden change in body postures like stand up quickly etc... lay down when i feel that i'm gg to faint.. Well, i'm a good girl.. i listen to the doc and now the fainting spell hardly happens and i noe wat to do when i feel it coming..

Well, back to now...

argued with my dad yesterday.. haiz... y cant he just understand that watever i'm doing for him for his own good.... for his health and wallet.. yet.. haiz... then my poor brother had to listen to my grumblings.. and i threw a big tantrum on him.. well he has the best patience with me... he can take watever mean things i do to him,, like complaining non stop for hours, slapping on his back and punching him on his arm.. I will not admit that i was wrong when we quarreled and he needs to be the one to talk to me first (i sound like a evil sister rite??) Well, i used to ask him why he can take all my nonsenses. My little brother's answer melted my heart: cos u r my sister..

Sorry brother for everything that i do that were mean and hurting to u.. Thanks for being there for me when i needed.... You are a wonderful brother... Even though i noe that there is another gal u are caring too.. heheh... maybe u will not hear so much complaining from me if i can find another guy who can do as well as u....

yueN signing off.... cooling day

YueN at 6:46 PM