About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just saw my grade for my Spanish level 1......

Glad... (that i passed..)
Disappointed... (The grade wasn't as good as i expected)
Motivated... (no more grades with B and below)

I'm satisfied with my Yr 2, sem 2 grades . However, due to the super poor results i had in Yr 2, sem 1, my GPA is still a distance from my target.... well.. all these grades are finalised. What is left to do is to work harder for the coming semesters and do my very best.

The effort i put in for last semester wasn't that much... I was slacking most of the time when i prepared for the first few papers. The organic paper and thermo paper were the wake-up call for me. After i walked out of the exam halls, i knew i was doomed... Luckily there was a week break before the next 2 papers. It was that period i put in 101% effort: studying.. mugging.. practising tut qn 5 -6 times.. Keep telling myself that I MUST to get A for the coming papers.. I still want to continue in the ABP(accelerated bachelor programme).

I'm glad that I'm still in the ABP. By cutting short my course to 3.5 yr.. it will save my parents $4000.. why not.. if i'm capable of doing it.. Currently, i'm left with 3 more semesters of which 1 will be my IA. So i'm left with 2 semesters with examinations. My target is to achieve grades with nothing worse than a B.

Jia You... I can do it....

YueN signing off.... sunny day.

YueN at 6:15 PM

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

is that really....?

am i imagining things??

do i really wish for that to happen?

continue to act blur???

Well... let's see how things go before I make my decision....

That day i was chatting with my friends and one of them asked these questions. We had different answers to them. I guess my friend is asking us for opinion b4 she made her decision... hehe.. but i think our answers might just confuse her further..

Questions to the floor:

  1. will u choose ur bf based on his character or his outlook? character.
  2. now there are 2 average looking guys wooing u. one is very quiet type but everytime he looks at u, he shows that i-like-u look.. the other one is quite vocal, also make u laugh with his jokes and makes u fall for him. who do u choose? vocal one. i prefer guys who make me laugh..
  3. if ur bf is those sticky type one... like calling u pretty often and ask lots of qns... do u like it? wat will u do? I may think tat he's just concern abt u... no really a big deal if the calls are not too frequent.. maybe once a day is fine..

Maybe u get tag me ur answers to these qn and i can feedback to my friends to help her make her decision...

YueN signing off... humid day..


YueN at 5:51 PM

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

U guys would have known that the Spore Govt is legislating the Optometrists and Opticians practice. Starting from 1 Jan 2008, all optic shops need to hang up some form of qualification in their shop.. either registered optician/ optometrists/ licensed contact lens practitioners.This can be both a good news and a bad news to Singaporeans..
Good news: We can be rest assured that whoever that is serving us in the optic shop is well qualified to do his /her job in dispensing specs or refractory testing or dispensing contact lens.
Bad news: A significant number of optic shop owners will be force to end their business if they cant obtain the MOH-demanded qualification. Well, many owners i came across are in their forties, chinese educated and have many yrs of experience as an optician. Thus they feared most for the competency test. Worrying that their pte-ltd English will hinder their performances. My aunty is one of them.
I went for a briefing regarding the legislation(organised by SOP and SP-optometry center)with my aunt and many of those in this optical trade. Reached SP at 8am and had a hard time looking around for the MLT(only knew that it's near the Mac). Well, we finally settled in at 9am. It was a new experience for my aunt to sit and listen to "lectures". She will need to go back there again in July/August for her preparatory courses. Then the personals from MOH and SP gave their speech. All i can say that these 2 fellow have very good secretaries who prepared wonderful slides for them to read off at ease during their presentations. Then we were given a 30 min refreshment outside the MLT before we returned to the MLT for the Q & A. The 2 guys seriously beat around the bush for all the questions raised by the floor.
My aunt hopes that i can study optometry after my undergraduate course(due to end in 1.5 yrs). So i decided to ask the beat-around-the-bush guy from SP about the possibility of me getting into the optometry diploma course.
This was our conversation:
me: Hey, i'm an undergrad doing BioE in NTU and i'm interested to persue a career in
optometry after my gradation. Is it possible for me to enrol into SP optometry course?
beat-around-the-bush guy: HOw many points did u get for your O level? L1R4.
me: Hmmm.. 8.
beat-around-the-bush guy: can can.. of course we welcome u..
me: ok. then since i have already took up some bio-related modules in NTU. can i be exempted for certain modules in SP? thus being able to shorten my study course?
beat-around-the-bush guy: HUH??!!! Undergrad are already the cream of the crop. the govt will not subside ur study in SP.
me: (totally puzzled...)
beat-around-the-bush guy: nono.. u cant come to SP.. U can only go oversea for optometry degree. But will be very ex... (shaking his head)
Me: Thanks. (in my mind: Mr beat-around-the bush guy how do u get your current post by with your beat-around-the-bush skills??? )
After we exit for the MLT, we met the president of SOP who gave me more info regarding my study. He told me to try Australia Uni and the yearly cost will be roughly S$40K... Wow!! That's ex... He also said that i can try to apply for non-bond scholarship since i intend to work in my aunt's shop upon graduation. Just got to try my best as i believe it will be a really heavy burden to sponsor my study fully.
gtg... really glad that i got the new urban male .com bag(bradmini-brown) today... I really loved it.... (cost== quality) well, the guys working in New urban male .com shop in Herren and city link are quite good looking... *o*
YueN signing off... nitez..

YueN at 6:09 AM

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wat a day i have....

Meet Prof Lim today with Syuk yee to find out more about my FYP. I booked an appointment with Prof Lim at 10.30am at his office. Being very puncture students, we turned up at BMERC(BioMedical Engineering Research Center) at 10.25am.. An empty office was what we saw. Hmmmm... dun the professor have a proper office hour... It's 10+ already and Prof is still not in his office???!!! no choice.. we just got to wait.... While we were waiting, me and syuk yee sort of explored the BMERC office, looking around and familiarise ourselves with wat are available at this lab... Well, we found out that there is a mini surgery room, fake dummy for researchers to "play" with, equipments we can "kop" for our FYP.

Around 11AM, Prof Lim showed up at BMERC in golf T-shirt and shorts... Hmmmm.. there is definitely not an office wear... Nevertheless, he was there to discuss the project with us. Talked about the materials we can use for the introducer. We ventured into different designs of the introducer (with LED, robotically operated, something that glows in the dark- cos the introducer will be used in the throat). HE also taught us to list down the things that we have brainstormed and characterise them into Needs?? or Wish??

After an hour, Prof Lim left hurriedly (maybe for his golf game).. Me and Syuk Yee stayed behind to further brainstorm for our project. Since she is leaving Spore tml for a 2 week holiday, we will prbably have to wait till 4 July to make the BC stent... well, it's kind of rush cos we need to get the stent ready for the operation on 23 July. For the time being, i'll need to order the resins from the company(they are really ex.. S$300 for 1kg) and also design an introducer.. I hope to get the introducer ready for the operation.. It will be tough job as i have to start from scretch... But i'll try my very best.. My source of motivation will be the 3 yrs old kid who need all these to stay alive... The life of this kid lies on my and syuk yee's hands.... Jia you>>>>

gtg.... need to help my brother with his maths revision.. Laplace and PDE.. Arrr.. forgotten almost everything... another thing to remember.. i need to change my teaching method... Stop giving the answer whenever the kid ask a qn.. I should question him/her back to provoke his own thinking to solve that problem...

YueN signing off... windy nite..

YueN at 6:23 AM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Today is my spanish oral.. LIke to share with u the sweat, pain and tongue twisting stuff that i am going through..... EnJoY....

Setting: YY's house during CNY.

1. Ben: Hola yy ! Feliz ano Nuevo lunar. Este es sy, mi amiga
2. yy: ¡Feliz Año Nuevo Lunar! ¡Mucho gusto, Su Ying! ¿Que tal?
3. SY: Muy Bien. Gracias. Tienes una casa Hermosa, moderna, y luz. tu casa es más grande que mi casa.
4. yy: Si, mi casa hay tres pesos, ocho habitación, cinco cuarto de baño, un jardín, una cocina y una piscine. ¿Quienes verla?
5. Ben: Si, vive sola en esta casa grande?
6. yy: No, con mi hermano y abuelos. Mis padres trabajan en el extranjero.
7. Ben: Donde estudias yy?
8. yy: Estudio en NTU, Estudios de Communicación. ¿y tu? ¿Que estudias?
9. SY: Nosotros estudiamos ingeniería biológica en NTU.
10. Ben: Como celebrais todos el ano Nuevo lunar?
11. yy: Normally, on Chinese New Year’s Eve, I will have a reunion dinner with my family. During the festive season, visito a mi familia, recibo dinero, como mucho y aposto dinero con mis amigos.
12. SY: Después desayuno fideos de longevidad, visito a mi familia, amigos y profesor. Recibo dinero. ¿Y tú?
13. Ben: Normalmente visito mis primos en Espana. Mi tia casada con un espanol.
14. SY: ¿Tiene primos en España?
15. Ben: Dos primos. Uno primo y una prima
16. SY: ¿Como se llaman tus primos?
17. Ben: Mis primos se llaman Juan y maria
18. SY: Recuerdo a Juan. El es gordo y bajo, Tiene el pelo corto y mas rizado. Tiene los ojos pequeños y negros. ¿Verdad?
19. Ben: No. Juan es alto, atletico, joven y muy guapo!! Tiene el pelo corto, moreno y liso y los ojos azules.
20. yy: ¡Guapo! ¿cuántos años tiene? ¿él es también un estudiante?
21. Ben: No, Juan es un pitolo rico, tiene veinticinco anos y habla cuatro lenguas. Ingles, mandarin, espanol y un poco frances
22. SY: ¿Estas casado? ¿Como es su carates?
23. Ben: No. Juan esta soltero y no tiene novia. Es simpatico,sincero,inteligente y un poco serio.
24. yy&SY: ¡Fantastico!
25. yy:¿cuál es el número de teléfono?
26. SY: ¿Cual es su correa electrónico?
27. Ben: El numero de telefono de Juan es nueve, ocho,sisete,seis,cinco,cuatro,tres,dos. Su correo electronico es Juan arroba hotmail punto com
28. SY: Gracias, Ben. YY, ¿donde esta tu habitación? ¿Que hay en tu habitación?
29. yy: Este es mi dormitorio. En mi dormitorio hay una cama, una mesa, dos estanterias, un armario, una televisión, un teléfono, una alfombra y un ordenador.
30. SY: La lámpara esta encima de la nesilla es muy buena y especial. ¿De donde puedo comprar esta lámpara?
31. yy: La lampara es mi presente de cumpleaños.
32. Ben: Cuando es tu cumpleanos yy?
33. yy: Celebro mi cumpleaños el dieciseis de septiembre.
34. SY: Su casa esta muy cera de la Universidad. ¿A que hora te levantas todas la mañana?
35. yy: Normalmente, me levanto a las seis y media. Después, me ducho y desayuno cereales y café con leche. Salgo mi casa a las ocho menos cuarto y cojo el tren a mi escuerta. Leo un perodico en el tren. Alcanzo la escuerta a las nueve menos cuarto y empiezo mi clase a las nueve en punto.
36. Ben: Tenemos que irnos ahora. Mi familia me espera para cenar.Gracias por invitarnos a tu casa. .Quizas otro dia todos podeis venir a mi casa.
37. SY: ¿Donde vives?
38. Ben: Vivo en la calle Anchorvale, en blogue veintiocho y el piso tercero.
39. yy: ¡vamos tu casa el próximo fin de semana!
40. Ben: Es mi placer (my pleasure--> not confirmed)
41. SY: Me voy a casa por el tren. ¿Donde esta la estación de ferrocarril mas cercana?
42. yy: La estación de ferrocarril mas cercana es Tampines. Te enserio como ir alli.
43. SY: Gracias. Hasta pronto, YY. Adiós, Ben, nos vemos en clase.
44. Ben: adios, nos vemos el lunes
45. yy: ¡adiós amigos!

Sue YueN signing off... cool weather..

YueN at 6:30 PM

Friday, June 01, 2007

As i mentioned in my previous entry... I hoped for a S201 gathering... and our super Charmaine did it in just a day... wow.... She's efficient...

We went to mind cafe on Wednesday evening. We agreed to meet at 6.45pm at the north-south exit of the Dhoby Ghaut. Reaching there at 7.10pm, i thought I'll be the last one there. As I prepare my apology speech i saw Max was the only one there! Hmmm... suddenly i remembered. my classmates are usually late...

While we waited for the rest, I saw Jian Chon. Chatted with him for a while... After he left Max asked if all my guy classmates looked so beng... hmmm... i dun really know how to answer him... cos Jian chon is considered the average in our course.. Then Max commented: time changed. In His generation, university students don't look so beng. Hahaha... Maybe he's the only beng one in his generation....

After waiting for another 5 min, i decided to call Char. The answer i got: They were all at PS. Meet them at PS level 1. OK.. we walked there and we could not see anyone there. Then i called again. Now they were at carefour B2 looking at laptop. OK... After all the searching,we finally walked toward the Mind Cafe at 7.40pm (Char booked the place at 7pm... The person called to checked if we were coming.. opps...)

Reached the cafe, we played a few unique board games and ate some finger food. We started off with a very deep thinking game where everyone was thinking with that serious look. Then we decided to catch to more action games as the rest of the tables were so hyper and we were so QUIET... Personally, i loves the monkey game (We removed sticks for the coloumn with the monkeys dropping) and the guesstress(where 1 will act out the word on the card b4 they are"eaten by the machine", while the others do the guessing). We were all laughing at each others' acting.. I guess we can be nominated to be the best actor or actress... hehe... ^_^

We left the place at 11pm as i worried that we might not be able to catch the last train back.. me and vivien went home while the rest went off for supper.... Reached home ard 12mid night.. Mum was already asleep (She's sick again.. down with sore throat). My brother was still awake waiting for me.. wat a sweet brother :P

LAstly, Gracias....Me divertí ayer.

gtg.. my eyes are closing...

Sue Yuen Signing off... cool nite...

YueN at 8:10 AM