About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Monday, May 28, 2007

Monday bluezzzz...

Hated the feeling of having to drag myself to school for my spanish class yesterday... The weather was so freaking hot and the humidity level is sky high....

Having to leave home 2 hr in advance for class... I waited for bus 3 which arrived at my stop on time (gd sign!!) True enough good things never last long.... The bus was freaking packed with MJC students... Being 17 yrs old KIDS, they don't seems to understand a single word the driver was saying... Tell me how difficult do one need to comprehen: MOVE BEHIND PLEASE... Alll these kids were busy chit chatting with their friends and forgetting that ppl are still trying to board the bus to go to school or to fetch their children and grandchildren from school.. Haiz... I'm not trying to condem the school, after all I'm the pinoeer batch in MJC... Students just needs to be more auto....

After I alighted at the MRT station, another sea of blue greeted me at the PAsir Ris MRT platform... Then from no where i heard some one calling my name.. At first i thought i was my friend.. but then when i turned i saw a hand sticking out of the "sea of blue" waving.... Hmmm.. poking my head in to the "blue sea" to find out who was the guy... It was Mr. Cheong aka MAx aka my GP tutor...

Later on the train, i found out from Max that the J1 students had just finish their GP paper and they were heading off to PS for Pizza Hut Lunch then learning journey at the history museum then all the J1 cohert would catch the pirates of the carriben... Wat a unique learning journey...

After some time, Max was busy chatting with his current students about some swimming stuff, finding myself a little odd listening to their converstaion, I took out my spanish notebook to revise my work... Then Max was like "wat's that?" My spanish notebook.... Then from my GP tutor, Max became my Spanish tutor.... telling me how to prounce each word... Felt a little funny though... cos his current were like staring at us speaking alien language... But, it did brought back memory for the days when we booked Max for GP consultation outside the GO benches...

Well, i hope there will be another gathering soon for S201.... Charmaine is usually the organiser.... hehe... Charmaine, u know wat to do? I'll help...

gtg now.... gg to book fair

sue Yuen signing off.. humid day..

YueN at 6:21 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm still alive... dun worry...

Sorry for not posting for almost a yr... too busy with school..

Holiday finally arrived.. Told myself that i need to fully utilize this 3 months break to recharge myself mentally(stop looking at lecture notes) and physically (start exercising to remove the fats on me)... However.... I CAN'T !?!?! Because i sign up for special semester class-- Spanish level 1 which was really a torture... and i have to work on my fyp too.. haiz... Sue Yuen, Sue Yuen, Why cant u learn to take a break....

On the other hand i did enjoy myself for the past few weeks..

Firstly, i meet up with my NTU friends for a sushi feast. I was sort of the co- organiser and i should give myself a pat on the back.. I managed to get friends who are not within my usual clique to join us. It was a great gathering for us as we finally get to converse on the topics other than the lecture notes. Getting to know more about my coursemates was definitely the best part of this gathering.

Secondly, i am so free at home that i start to look for my good old buddy aka long lost buddy via friendster. and WOW!!! I finally located my primary sch buddy, Shenna whom i have lost contact with for almost 10 years... All thanks to the technology we have today..

Thirdly, I decided to help out at our SCBE open house last sat. My initial thought was to earn extra income but it turned out that i had a great bonding session with my coursemates and professors. I helped out as the bus tour guide that shuttle potential scbe students from jurong east mrt to our school. While we were waiting for the students, we had a chance to talk to our sch "clerk", Mariyam and found out that she is the one who plan our time table.. So we sort of complaint to her that cbe students had 4-days week but we dun seems to have that privilege. Mariyam said that she will look into the problem (let's pray hard that we get to enjoy a 4-day week next semester).

After ushering the future bie student to the conference rm in our BIE building, me, jj, jc and tf stood outside and chit chat until Prof Ooi told us to go into the conference rm to interact with the new students. My strategy was to hunt down on those who were there alone(easier to interact). I found this cute girl, Alicia who looked like my junior in NAS, but it turned out she wasnt. She did ask alot of qn abt our course and during the conversation i ask myself whether i should tell them the truth anot after knowing so much about the ugly scene among our Prof with our dean.

Nevertheless, we were rewarded with good food(chocolate fondue was everyone's favourite) after our hard work(???). We seat down on the floor with prof liao kin and Prof Goh and it's the first time we get to eat with the prof. I wonder do they really want to sit with us or are they just putting up a show for the new students showing them how "bonded" we students are with the Prof. I really enjoyed myself that day. :p

Well, after all the typing, my fingers are tired.. hehe.. Shall return to my drama watching session: The Queen classroom.


Sue YueN signing off... sunny day.

YueN at 7:09 PM