About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wet, Wild and Fun will be the 3 words to describe my week. I had the most enjoyable time for the past 2 weeks. YiPpY!!!>>>

Last Thursday, Me, Charmaine, my brother and my cousin(ena) went to Jurong Swimmming complex for a day of fun-filled activities. It was Char's 1st trip there but not mine. I've been there for at least 20 times??!! There were slides (Red, blue and Yellow), Lazy pool (closed for maintainance at noon. refer to photo below) and wave pool (man made wave will be activated every half an hour). I left out the kiddy pool cos it's only open for kids 12 and below.. so we're kind of over-age.

We had lots of fun despite only the four of us playing, exclude my mum who was there to look after our stuff and buy lunch for us. The slide was where we started out our day. Lots of stairs climbing and shooo... in less than a minute we are out of the slide, into the water... tiring but shiok.... i think i've climbed 20 storey on that day itself. Love and hate the yollow slide... it's the shortest slide but the fastest... not advisable for the weak heart. Wave pool had the greatest after effect on the 4 of us.. We could still feel the wave motion when we were in bed that night.

Overall, we spent $0.80 per person to enjoy 8 hours of fun.

Next to come.... Wild Wild Wet.

Known by all the largest water park in spore and also the most expensive one... Well my aunt treated me, my bro and Char to accompany my cousin there. It was my first time trip down to Wild Wild Wet. We paid $50 for the enterance fee and $30 on food. This time round it's $80 for 8 hours of fun. Wild Wild Wet really ensure the safety of their patrons by employing so many life gurads. Most of the life guards quite handsome. They also know how to entertain the ppl queuing with their jokes and water splashing. One commendable life guard will the the first life guard staion at the Samsung Slide up.

Me and Char had to carry the bulky float up to the third level. Being a first timer we didnt noe how to carry that big float through a narrow stair. Thus by the time we reach the 2nd level we were already panting like mad. The life guard stationed there quickly came down to help us and teach us to carry the float over our head the next time round. There we were 3 storey up on a blue double float. Hanging there for our life by the lifeguard. Without warning, he released his hand. Before i heard myself screaming my head off, the lifeguard said: Enjoy your ride. There the 2 of us went down the 90 degree slope carrying me sreaming and Char laughing. Even the life guard at the bottom of the ride thought that teh ride could have disconnected some wires in our brain. Fun, excitation factor 100, my favourite ride. Imagine plunging down a four-storey ramp, accelerating until you hit the deck and skim across to soar up the opposite side. It repeats several times until your momentum runs out!

The next ride on my favourite list is the Ular-la. A 6 seater float and a hell long bumppy slide. Ular-Lah is a super flume ride that offers you a chance to brave the rapids with five other companions. Ideal for thrill and adrenaline seekers, it's the closest thing you ever experience next to white water rafting! Along the way, our float will turn and move side to side on the slide. it's the best when u have your back facing the down slope. Real exciting and excitation factor 85. Well, this ride had a bonus point. The life guard stationed there was tan, tall, HANDSOME, and last of all i love his smile.... He never fail to smile at every rider and he entertained us well.

There were other rides like the shiok river (Take a breather, go with the flow, and let the trip wash away your cares. A great way to escape from all the commotion and noise of everyday life.), Water Works (Suppose to be fast slide ride, but i was a little slow on the slide), WALL'S TSUNAMI (i still prefer the wave pool at Jurong with the frezzing man-made rain),
YAKULT PROFESSOR'S PLAYGROUND (They didnt state the age limit plus we saw lots of adults in there so me and Char just went in. Playing in there really brings out the child in our heart.) and SKYRIDER ( i enjoyed the relative tranquillity of gliding five metres up in the air as we cycled one the track)

I should say that Wild Wild wet will be a place to go if u're looking for fun, excitation, good service and also the handsome life guards(not all of them). Furthermore, there is a promotion now. $45 for a unlimited enterance pass to Wild Wild Wet and Escape Theme park. I'll be getting that the next time i pass by downtown east. Cant wait to go there again. Btw, I just realised that my school only starts on 7 Augest, i still got 1.5 month left to slack and shop and play before the studying routine returns..

Gtg... wanna play The Sims 2.

YueN signing off... Raining

YueN at 8:19 PM

Thursday, June 15, 2006

hi guys... this is going 2 b a pretty short entry cos i'm typing all this with my cousin's PSP... cool device wif clear resolution .. can go online oso.. but very difficult 2 type.. gtg now... wanna watch I not stupid too.. yueN signing off.. humid

YueN at 11:48 PM

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hi guys, sorry for not blogging for quite sometime. Well, i manage to stay at home for 2 days this week: Friday and Sunday. I kinda sick of going out everyday, either tuition or driving lessons. I was dying to go out shopping during sch term but not now i got bored of going out. Just wish to lay back and relax at home....

A little summary of my "great week":

  • Monday:

5am: my ju ju family returns from US with tonnes of gifts and goodies for us

10am: Sec 3 chem tuition with only one student (suppose to be 2)

12pm: Slack at home.

  • Tuesday:

11am: Went out with my dad's friends for lunch. Chit chat with them abt their maids and lifestyle.

  • Wednesday:

9am: Tuition AGAIN.. severe loss of blood (vomit blood teaching LAZY kids).

ps. i love teaching. but i love teaching hardworking kids. i dont mind if te child is stupid or slow learner. But, but Lazy KIds are all no no for me. Teaching could be a career path for me. MAYBE only..

2pm: met up with Charmaine to buy jeans. Went there too late. the stall selling super big size jean had already packed their stuff.

4pm: Reach Tampines Swimming complex with Charmaine and my cousin. Wow.... renovated, with the new slides and lockers. The slides were meant for the kids but me and Charmaine went on with the fun. We tried all different styles of sliding down: backwards, laying flat, collisions.

ps. U can maybe understand momentum better with a few of ur friends sliding down together and with that COLLISION. U can feel ur speed increased with different masses colliding with u. Cool. Plan to go to Jurong swimming complex next Wednesday to continue the splashing fun and action. haha.

  • Thursday

9.30 am : Driving lesson, Didnt drive too well. The car went dead a few times on the road and the direction signal fail to flick. No choice, the insturctor got to visit the workshop to get it fixed.

12pm: Driving lesson ends and i took 5 buses to reach home. I didnt want to take MRT cos i already purchased the bus concession and i can gain credit to bid for the ipod.

  • Friday

Slack at home. Initially we planned to go to Sugei Buloh nature reserve park. But a DOWNPOUR drenched our plan.

  • Satursday

9.30am: Tuition AGAIN AGAIN. Got a new student in my Chem class. Her name ...... forgot again. I'm a failure in remembering the names of people i meet.

1.30pm: had lunch with dad and brother and went to NUH to visit my grandma. She was admitted on Friday cos her BP went super low. I wonder she can make it for her China trip this coming Tuesday. It's kinda dangerous to go on a plane with her situation. One's Bp can fluctuate greatly on plane.

  • Sunday

Slack at home again.

haha... how did u fing my "great " week? at least i had something different in my schedule compared to the other weeks. A little different in one's schedule can add a spice to your life.

gtg now. will blog again SOON..

YueN signing off..... bright bright sky, yet cooling.

YueN at 7:18 PM