About Me

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NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yeah.... Finally, i got to exercise... I have not been exercising since 1 mth ago... as a result, i gain so much weight.... help.... i need to lose weight....

Yesterday, i went swimming with Charmaine at Bedok Swimming complex. We swam for abt an hour or so... We managed to lose 1 kg after tha swim... yeah... Keep on going, girl... During that whole hour, we saw quite a range of ppl.... bunch of kids having their swimming lesson with a creative coach, an ah pek swimming at the same speed as me, a couple performing "free show " under water and a group of China guys who swim half the diagonal of the pool.

Firstly, the kids. Their coach is so creative that they dont just swim laps for their lessons. Instead, they are told to jump into the pool holding hands starting from the person at the extreme ends... Well, expectedly, screams were heard. But it was fun. I even had the thought to join them, but i'm too old for that... haha...

Next, the ah pek. He is probably in his 70s, but he is strong and fit. he swam fast and for at least 10 laps. he knew that cos he was there swimming b4 me and i swam 10 laps... me and charmaine were kinda of embrassed swimming beside him. we are onli 19 years old but after a few lapps we are panting like mad dogs, but the ah pek kept going.... Pei Fu, Pei Fu...

Then, the free show couple. They were the typical lian and beng. Initially, they were just giggling. Of course, we ignored them. BUT as we were swimming back, under teh water, the view was crystal clear!!! They were doing the handy- panky.... I'm like 'wat the hell!!??' this is a public pool and u can save ur free show for some other time rite? Furthermore there are so many pri sch kids ard..... maybe while having their fun, the couple forgot where they were at that moment.... But it is still gross!!! No wonder the styint (but zhen) in my eyes never go away...

Lastly, the chinese guys. I was about to reach the side of the pool during one of my laps, suddenly, a guy just jumped rite into the pool, missing me by an inch... i was like 'heng man', if i swam any closer, he could have just jumped rite onto me and there goes my bones.... Then, these chinese had unique swimming path- half the diagonal of the pool. Stupid man.... cutting into other ppl's paths. I "knocked" into him once and twice for Charmaine. irriating Chinese Guys..... No wonder my impression for ppl from Ch*** was never good. I think they dont even noe how to swim, and they are just there to look at girls.... too bad, there wasnt any pretty ones there..

After the swim, we told the train home and we agree to meet during our recess week to go to the Jurong swimming complex, but the day b4 we go for makan first. Then can shed off the weight we gain during the buffet. I think i'll be meeting her this Friday nite to send Elisa off to Australia for her studies... Opsss.. suddenly remember that i got to get Elisa her farewell gift. Gtg now, shall check out the handicraft stalls in my school to see if there is any suitable gift for her....

HAPPY VALENTINE to all my pals.....

YueN signing off.... cloudy...

YueN at 5:30 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Finally, i got wei lian's latest CD album, "All I want".... Not bad, but it wasnt as good as i expected it to be, i'll give him 3.5 stars out of 5... He lost that uniqueness of his voice... cant really recognise his voice, he actually sound like the original singer for a few of his songs... this could be due to all the lessons that he attended.... I'll recommend u guys to listen to one of his songs, Friends forever.... meaningfull lyrics... I'm still trying to look for his fan club website.. if anyone of u noe abt it, dont ming can tag me... thanks... Nevertheless, i still support him.. Jia You, Wei lian>>!!!

YueN at 10:12 PM

Yesterday, i went to the Hong Boa Festival at the City hall with my mum and my brother. It wasnt as entertaining as i expected it to be. The statues displayed seems old and many of the stores were closed, those that were opened didnt sell very much interesting items ... Me and brother took some photos, but i cant post it online as i dont noe how.... maybe someone can enlighten me on that.... After walking around, me and my brother tried our luck on the wishing well while my mum tried hers on the 4 D booth, my coin didnt hit any of the bell (with well wishes attached), but my brother got his on the happy marriage one... maybe he is going to find his partner this year... My mum got wet by the sudden rain which she claimed is wealth... but short circuit occured at the boothand she didnt managed to buy her 4D(luckily her nos didnt open last night)

The prospects for the tigers(Me and many of my pals out there...) this year is a big boo boo... everything they predict will not be good... studies, health, wealth, relationship... This is a total opposite for the snakes(my brother)... This is so unfair.... Tigers have been down on luck for a few years alreadi...

i was supposed to meet Charmiane, Liz, Carmen and Shi min at 6.30pm at Redhill to go visit Mrs Lim (my JC chem tutor). But at 5 pm, Charmiane sms me and told me that onli the 2 of us will be going. Finding it abit weird, she decided not to go too.. i'm like "wat??!! the day b4 at liz's place, everyone said ok, then last min cancelled....". Well, maybe they find it too last min or wat or they are too busy.... Maybe...

So i went to shopping with my mother and brother at Marina square, along the way we climbed many stairs cos my brother is also a direction idiot like me... haha.. after, walking till abt 6pm, my feet started to hurt cos of the stupid new sandles i wore.. then we pack KFC back to eat and went home sweet home....

YueN signing off..... sunny..

YueN at 6:03 PM