About Me

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Well, well.... Meet up with Yinru and Wendy on Tuesday... During the train ride from pasir Ris to City hall, i was whole lot updated by wendy abt Yinru....
Yinru is attached.... yet, wendy seems to be clearer abt their dates and events.... Yinru told me to check her friendster for the guy's pic, but still cant find her special guy.... my advice to this guy is 你要很疼茵茹!u really need to 宠 her... she has being waiting for u until her neck is sooooo long.....
We reached Suntec City around 11pm and we made our way to K-Box (Wendy 的好介绍). Yinru and i just stood behind wendy and let her settle all the counter stuff... Then went to our room K9... ok, quite big for 3 persons, abt the size of my study room... Afterwards, wendy took our lunch order (a currychicken pie and a glass of ice lemon tea).. That was the time when we "opened numbers" to decide who shall sing first... and... i was the lucky number one.... Well, i forgot wat song i picked ... then it was yinru and wendy's turns respectively..... Yinru sang well... her voice so sweet.... she should go for SuperStar competition next year....
We sang lots of songs, yinru and wendy chose most of the songs by female singers, for me almost all songs by the males..... well, i cant sing to high pitch with my low voice... My first time singing in front of yinru and wendy... At first, i got this funny feeling in my stomach... well, i do sing at home but without my friends hearing my horrible singings.... But, after a few rounds, i was doing fine.....
Abt 2 pm, this waiter came in to pass us our bills... He had this worst attittudeand his face was so black as if we own him money.... Wendy asked him whether is there this thing abt the customers buying drinks to extend our tinme to 5 pm.... and that stupid waiter went beating abt the bush to say "no"... He said "u can pay $14.50 to sing till 7 pm... u settle the bill ... then pay $14.50 each later" we thought that we just got to pay $14.50 for the ktv from 11am to 7 pm .... it turn out that we got to pay $14.50 fot the ktv from 2pm to7 pm.... so ex.... Then, we decided to leave at 2pm...
However, it turned out that this irritating waiter forgot to collect our money and we continued to sing till 3 pm.... (extra 1 hr....that was yinru's idea... so naughty...) Overall, we paid $6.40 each for lunch and ktv from 11am to 3pm... worth the money... This was my first time going to K- box and it turned out being pleasant... The 3 of us hoped to find one K-box in Jurong... so we can continue singing when we are free in btw the school time.... i'll recommend the lunch to my friends out there and will bring my family there one day.... remember it is onli on weekdays and lunch time u get this special promotion.. and also depends on wat lunch set u order...
Got to go for my lunch now..... Stay tune for more of my recommendations on food and fun...
YueN signing off.... Raining cats and dogs...

YueN at 9:00 PM

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sianz... Wat a great word to start my post...... I'm super bored at home..... It's Sunday morning.. woke up at 8.20am after the continuous effort of my mum "shaking" up since 8 am(this has been the same time i will wake up for the 18 yrs of my life if i have nothing on that day) ... didnt get a good night sleep... imagine urself laying on the bed hearing "buzzz.... buzzzz...", trying ur very best to hide every area of ur skin from the stupid "blood suckerS" and yet u still get dozens of "love bites" from them.... That's was how i spend my night for the past few days.... got to ask my mum to call the Ministry of environment to complain abt these irratating 'blood-suckers'....

We left our house around 8.30am and made our way to Bedok Food Center to eat the Chai Chee Ba Chou Mee and Carrot cake recommended by Patricia Mok on the show hosted by Fiona Xie... The Ba chou Mee ---yuck... they onli have mee pok and mee kia with soup... Miss Mok said the soup was "so sweet, so tasty, die die must try" and yet all i taste is the 'qee' from the mee pok.. Then my dad ordered a bowl of Laksa recommended by Ah Ben on that Channel U show... $2 for a small bowl with a few slices of fish cake and cockles... too runny.. the milk taste is too strong-- yuck.. hated milk since i was a kid.... On the other hand, my tummy had some yummy food too.. The carrot cake was the champion and the You cak Que being the runner up.... the carrot cake is super fragrant, not too sweet, not too oily,with chucky pieces of carrot cake... for jus $2... When u eat it, u can taste the carrot.... and when u chew it, u can feel the crispy chai pok...(6 chopstick-- die die must try). Next, the You Cak Que. there was a long queue outside the stall. My theroy of good food: customers will queue 4 it even if it takes half the day....40 cents onli... very floffy.. does not have too much flour in it.. crispy... goes well with the coffee my brother ordered... The stall was awarded by the makam sutra with 4 chopsticks--- worth trying.... all this nice food in Bedok food center are onli available in the morning and they are off on Monday.... So go down at the right time o else u may go home with a stomach filled with yucky food... "That's the end of today's YueN Food Spot, Stay tuned for the next posting of YueN Food Spot..." Haha... sooner or later my posting will be all on food recommendation....
Got to go now, we are going to my aunt's house-warming at 1 pm... my dad got to help her buy 2 roast ducks 4 the buffet.... Then we got to fetch some of my aunts and cousins from the east side of Singapore like Seng Kang, Punggol,to my aunt's new home at Woodland opposite Causeway Point...
YueN signing off.... Humid...

YueN at 6:53 PM

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yuppy.... finally, i have completed the CSI MIAMI game in 2 mths..... solving 6 cases altogether... got stuck in the second case, but the rest was a breeze.... I believe that Practice makes things perfect... Time to look out for new CSI games...(pals, can u keep a look out for me too...just tag me if u see one)
Well, time really flies... i'm left with less than 20 days B4 school starts.... sianz.... i'm in a dilemma. On one hand, i have had enough of rotting at home and want to have a different lifestyle, where i know wat i need to do every single moment (*a timetabled life*). However, i dont want to go to school knowing that i have noone i know to go to school with on the 25 July.. I am that sort of person who will not start a conversation to make friends. Throughout my 13 yrs of education, i have also being approached by my friends.... Maybe, that is one thing i need to change in my life... but how??? U can say i just got to break out of that shell of me to approach others and be more upfront with strangers.... Well, i'll try.... But if u know me will enough like Charmaine, Suling, yinru and wendy, u'll realised that i'm all out if i know u well enough.... sharing all the "len xiao wau" and illogical and "creative" ideas of mine.... because i know of people who can take my stupid jokes... Charmiane should know who.... :}
Thanks to Charmiane, she is trying to organise a makan session for the chinese in our class(cos the food is non-hala)... hope u guys can make it.... Just pop by to her blog through the link below and tag her ur reply....

YueN signing off.... sunny....

YueN at 8:45 PM

Saturday, July 02, 2005

60's? The first thing i asked myself was: is it possible for Singaporeans today to taste food which taste like those in the 60s? With my curiousity, I made my way to Parco Bugis today to try out the "60's food", with my family.
As expected, it was packed with people as it was lunch time and a Saturday(with the 5-day week thingy, most parents could spend valuable time with their kids---queueing for food). There were abt 20 odd stalls, selling ice ball at $2(which onli cost 5 cents during my parents' time), Rojak, Trishaw noodles (which looked inedible with the blotted yellow mee and soup with the taste of "kee"), Lasak @ $2 (superb small bowl from this Delight brand, wondered if the brand started from the 60's), satay, otahs, grass jelly @ $2 (i heard ppl complimenting the taste but didnt manged to grab hold of it as its queue was the longest), Hakka yam balls @ $3(so far it was the best dish over there), Teh terik @ $1 (the person didnt even terik) and kacang Puteh @ 50 cents (the person selling it was in sarong ans singlet).
The theme of this food fair was "Food in the 60's"... Well, the setting was fine, with trishaw display and the stalls were in the push carts, the hawkers dressed like our grandparents when they were 40 years younger.... There were even "Ma-jie"and "Sum Siew women" walking around.... The atmosphere was right but.....but... something there was out of place..... It was supposed to be food from 60's, but there were stalls representing hotels and famous resturants like Long Beach selling black pepper crab and even the taiwan snow dessert and Tiger beer... my brother wondered if there was Tiger Beer in the 60's (my dad said there was green island beer but not sure abt Tiger beer...)
Another thing was the price of the food. My mum went "wow, so expensive!!", as she walked past the stalls. They probably jacked up the price for the rent, as i mentioned earlier $2 for a superb small bowl of Lasak and $1.50 for half a taufu pao, $2 for an ice ball.... Well, we cant expect the price to be the same as those during the 60's, 5 cents for one ice ball, 20 cent for a bowl of noodle..... Altogether, my family spent $12 on the "60's food" and left the place with half the stomach filled....
As a result, my dad brought us to this "xiehua-- pui tian" stall at Race Course road for a big bowl of Pa-mee and xiehua mee hoon and this dish with the tua-kee and some vegetables... Super delicious!!!! They have this unique china taste, which i have tried 5 yrs ago when i went to my parents' hometown(xiemen-- putien)... I will strongly recommend u people to go and try all those unique hometown food, in addition, they are super cheap-- $6 for one big serving of 4....
In conclusion, Singaporeans(including my family who go around searching for good food) just cant live without delicious food.... Hence there are so many food fairs in a year and TV programmes recommending good food around Singapore....and also an increased percentage of obesity in the locals.... Got to go now, I need to go for a jog to remove those fats accumulated in my body after those tasty goodies....
YueN signing off......Sunny...;p

YueN at 12:44 AM