About Me

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
NTU Bioengineering grad
First cry.. 26 Sept 1986
"retired" Biz Manager of RSP Elders
Volunteer @ AWWA Elderly Service
Research Assistant @ TTSH-CDC


1)Travel around Singapore for Yummy food :p
3) Discover nature
4) Travel round the world
5) Watch Hong Kong drama
6) Help the less fortunate


Healthy Body and Mind
Good people network
Obtain my master degree
FIAT 500
Promising future
Meet that special guy
Mini Schnauzer (grey)
Driving Lisence


Crunchy roll
Film Hill
Asian Fanatics
RSP Elders
Meridian JC
Nanyang Technological University




Nian Ci,
Jing Jing,
Chee Keong
Sir Seng
Hui Yi
Yee Loong
Pei fang


Bryan Wong
Dasmond Koh
Quan Yi Fong
xia xue
Zhi Yang
Jaime teo
Wei Lian's Fan Club
Edison's blog
235 guys
Ron Ng's fan club
Ron's blog
Bosco's blog
Wu Chun


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Finally, I have bought new clothing for the new school term... yaaaa.....
I went to M'sia on 20 june with my mum and Charmiane... we were supposed to meet Charmaine @ 10am at the woodland interchange, but we were late because of missing 2 buses (39 & 168) . I realised that whenever u're running late, the bus will come in superb late or move at a speed comparable to a turtle.... As a result, we only got to meet Charmaine @ 10.15am... On the other hand, we managed to get through the M'sia custom by 10. 50am

We made our way to the City Square shopping mall and along the way, u can hear the taxi driver asking in their unique Malaysian accent: "want taxi? anywhere also can." Ignoring them(Cos the shopping mall is just 5 min walk from the custom), we walked through the underpass where we saw this little boy begging for $$ with his mum looking in severe pain. Really pity the boy, but thinking that his mum still has her limbs, she can still find a job instead of begging on the streets.

At the shopping mall, there was a sale for Bum equipments and diseal clothings..
Me and Charmaine saw this nice pair of shoes foe RM 18 and decided to get one... due to our gigantic feet, we asked the sale personal for the largest size( hoping that there will be size 8 or 9), but guess what was his reply, "look for urself!!" Pissed by his poor service and attitude, we decided to create a mess out of the shoes... Pulling out shoes from their neat rows, we made a pile of shoes ranging from size 4 to 7... that would teach him a lesson for not serving his customers well..... Something different from Spore where customers are often served to their satisfation.....

We then moved to the next exhibit of clothes where i found a sweater and a red T-shirt( for the NDP) for myself, with the prints: It's real hot right here... bet it will be the most suitable clothing to be wore on 9 Aug at the Padang.... On the display, i saw another nice sweater which i persuaued my mum to buy for my brother (but hoping that my brother will share it with me )...... hehe.... and yes he did....

Following that, we went to the highest level and shopped for a new school bag and shoes. As the ones i liked were new arrival, the price were similar to those in S'pore. My mum being a superb saver said: "wait for the price to drop then u buy... now same as Spore, no point buying", so i left the shops empty-handed, hoping that i will still be able to get them when i returned at a later date... because the CSI PC game was out of stock that day, when i could actually buy it at the last shopping trip there, but miss it because it was "new arrival".....

When our stomach started growling, we headed for the food court for lunch. I bought Yong Tao Foo as their noodles are different from Spore. They mixed their noodles with a black sause and oil, which gave it a nice fragrance and unique taste like the KL noodle. My mum had Hor Fun which i called it hai di lao zhen (scoping for needles in a sea). As my mum took a long time to decide on wat to eat, me and Charmiane finished our food by the time she returned. Dessert was on our mind, so i got Ice kacang (with tasteless red beans and chocolate sause), something different from Singapore .... Another difference was: One with darker complexion and ablitiy to speak Malay gets a larger serving of everything....

Continued with our "window-shopping" till 3.45pm, when my mum wanted to go to this "wuloo" supermarket across the road to buy the packets of frozen fried chickens and prata.... It was so "wuloo" to the extend that onli one-tenth of the shelves are filled with goods.... so nothing to buy at all...

In all, I spent my RM 100 on 2 sweaters, 2 T-shirts, 1 bottle of nail polish and 3 bars of chewing gums.... It was quite a fulfiling trip as i managed to get some clothings for myself in 1 shopping trip in M'sia, whereas i can't even get one piece of clothing for the past 10 shopping trips i had in Spore since i was jobless... However, the Malaysian's service made me ponder whether to go there again..... There is still hope for Spore's service despite our ranking of the service we provide to shoppers, is slipping... At least we know that we are still a learning example for our neighbouring countries......

YueN signing off...... Rainy....

YueN at 9:12 PM

Friday, June 17, 2005

The HSBC TreeTop Walk (HSBC TTW) is the highlight of several long hiking routes in MacRitchie that brings you through different stages of mature secondary forest. The first of its kind in Singapore and in the region, this free-standing suspension bridge connects the two highest points (Bukit Peirce and Bukit Kalang) in MacRitchie and offers a bird's eye view of the community of plants and animals that live in the forest canopy. The total length of the walkway is about 250m(That's too short.... compared to the distance of 4.5km, we got to walk to reach there) and its height from the forest floor varies, with the highest point at 25m(huh? so many trees that are taller than 25m over there). That made me wonder why did they named it Tree Top Walk when the hanging bridge is below so manty trees......

Well, i was getting quite bored rotting at home that i decided to go for the TreeTop Walk on 14 June with my Mum, my brother, Charmaine and Suling... The other reason was i felt that i need to lose some weight after the food feast.... (need to find somethig interesting as a form of exercise) It was definitely more fun than running around the tracks.... We walked about 15.5km which is 11 rounds on the track....

We moved off from Venus Drive which the website claimed to be the shorter route. Along the way to the MacRitchie Trail, we saw durains hanging from the trees and the cheeky me suggested that we try shaking the durain tree and see if any durain come falling down. Further down the way, we actually had to climb up a slope of gradient 1.0. I ended up at the tail of our group with my mum due to the lack of exercise. After at least 10 flights of stairs and 2km of walk, we finally reach the "latest attraction of S'pore"-- the TreeTop Walk. To our surprise, it was onli 250m!!! ,After 4.5 km of hike.

On the "hanging bridge", my monkey brother shaked the bridge which resulted other children on the bridge screaming their heads off (and there goes all the birds and monkeys). Took some pics with charmaine and Suling. Again, i suggested to the group that we stayed on the bridge for a longer time since it is onli ONE-WAY and we hiked 4.5km to enjoy this 250m of scenery. 5 to 6 monkeys, ranging from Shy ones to Naughty ones which tried to climb up the wires to the bridge, accompanied us on the bridge.

Then my mum was like saying that since we came all the way here: y not go for the MacRitchie nature Trail... we all agreed and she chose the 11km one!!! Muddy grounds, Monkeys, Tortises, Lou Han, tiger barbs, Tower, Slopes, Steps and Muddy grounds.... It took us 4 hrs to complete the whole trail.... feeding the monkeys and tortises and fishes with the 2 slices of bread and jelly baens that Charmiane brought.

I sauluate to those ah pek and ah ma who actually managed to finish the whole trail.... After the whole trip, i believed i have shed some fats and a few more suggestions to the Nature park.
  • assigne more ranger posts along the way (It'll be creepy for those going alone)
  • more resting points with water coolers and shelters for the elderly.
  • designate more exit points for those are unable to complete the whole 11km trail.

YueN Signing off....... Cloudy...

YueN at 1:31 AM

Monday, June 13, 2005

YueN at 12:28 AM

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Hi guys... I had a great day yesterday... went to Pasir ris Park with my family and my best buddies(Suling, Charmaine, Yinru and Wendy). Most of my peers will find it wild to have BBq in the aftnoon with the great Sun shining rite above ur heads....
Yet we had a great time. Me, Charmiane and Suling arrived at 10.30am to look for a pit (cos we couldnt book one as they are fully booked... ) We had to assumed that the person who booked (for $20....) would onli turn up in the evening... So first we went walking around with the aim to look for a location with shelter and toilet within walking distance... Along the way, we spotted a ideal spot but the crows were using that as their food spot.... then we saw this group of Malays preparing for BBQ... I didnt believe my eyes... they actually put table cloth in the park's table and made it like a function party with the Catering food and drink.....
Finally, we found a spot, Pit P... Settle down and friends starts to arrived... Charmiane & I helped my mum to start the fire.... My mum was like the super saver.. she used newspaper as starter.... and she gathered woods to be used as charcoals.... Charmiane used Otah leaves oso....
@ 12.30pm, we had BBQ... Mum made some rolling dogs as she actually tried to cook the hotdogs by rolling them on the grills... as expected, some hotdogs came rolling down....
I bet we did some good cooking as stray dogs came to our pit for the fallen hotdogs.... Nice fur coat...huge... not sure abt the type... Charmiane distracted it by pulling the box of rubbish near our pit further away....
Aft eating, we cycled till my brother called me whether we want to go for a dip... Sure that's y we are at the beach... We went straight for the water and i realised that i had 2 "safety balloons" , my shorts' pockets. Splashing... till someone shouted, "FISH, FISH!!".. Off we went to the fishing spot... We managed to caught 6 mini fish that came in groups of 4s of 8s.... My 2nd aunt nearly fell face down while attempting to catch a crab. Luckily, Charmiane caught her using one hand, if not she would be going to the dinner drenched.. thanks, Charmiane.. U are the hero of the day... around 6pm, activities stopped... Home sweet home....
Well, that's the great day i had and now i am suffering muscles aches due to the long cycling trip... Got to go now.... My brother keeps saying'"My turn... My turn!!"

YueN signing off... Sunny...^-^

YueN at 1:52 AM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Hi guys, this is my creation due to the bordom during my long holiday... this will definitely give u guys a full inside view of my life...
Well, got to go now.... Need to prepare for the BBQ this Satuaday @ Pasir ris Park...
It has been history since i last had BBq with my family and my best buddies... Hope that all of us will have a great time there and pray hard that the weather will be as fine as it is now....

YueN signing off.... Sunny...

YueN at 7:52 PM